How To Earn Money From Adhitz In Blogger

earn money blogging online from AdHitz

PPC(Pay Per Click) is the mostly wanted ad network because it pays for every click you get. Although every ad network say that they have ppc feature but only a few really have this great feature so publishers usually head to ppc ad networks to earn faster and better. One of the best PPC ad network is adhitz. It is online since 2009 and is operated by a well know ptc site, Clixense. It has different rates for different countries and image as well as text ad campaigns. One can earn much better with adhitz than anyother network. Adhitz pays very high rates so it wouldn't be wrong if i say that adhitz is better than Google adsense. Without any doubt Adsense really pay high rates but no one can fit in its criteria of ads placement. Because Google has mentioned in the ads placement policy that ads shouldn't be placed beside any download button, ads shouldn't be placed with a flash image because it grabs the users attention, ads can't be made floating on the page etc. So these rules make it too difficult to earn money from Google adsense because there is no way that you can make your visitors to click on your ads and in normal conditions nobody is going to click ads. Adhitz also has ads placement policy but it doesn't say that you can't place ads near a flash image or in a pop-up. So its easy to earn money with Adhitz.

This post is created to tell you how to earn money from Adhitz and it is also a review of Adhitz so here i will tell you about different countries click rates, Ad types, payment methods, how to register an adhitz account, and how to implement adhitz ads in blogger.

Payment Methods:

(1). Paypal(minimum payout is $25).
(2). Payza(minimum payout is $50).

Payout fee is $1.50

Ad Types:

Adhitz has images as well as text ads. Some ad sizes are mentioned below:

Image ads:

adhitz image ads

(1). 300X250 (2). 468X60 (3). 728X90 (4). 125X125.

Text ads:

(1). 300X250 (2). 468X60 (3). 728X90 (4). 125X125 etc

CPC rates for different countries:

Here is the rate chart of adhitz. It shows ppc rates for every country.

How To Create An Account In Adhitz?

Step 1: Go to Adhitz Registration Page.

Step 2: Fill up the sign up form, type your name, city, email, phone number, etc which is asked in the form.

how to register in adhitz

Step 3: Select payment method. Minimum payout rates are mentioned above.

how to register in adhitz 101helper

Step 4: Enter your login details e.g username and password.

how to earn money online blogging

Step 5: Select a security question and type its answer.

how to earn money online fast

Step 6: Finally check the user agreement option and click on create account

earn money blogging

How To Add Adhitz Ads In Blogger?

Its very simple to add adhitz in blogger. All you need is to generate an ad code and implement it in your blog. So lets generate an ad code first and after that we will implement it.

Generating ad code in adhitz:

Step 1: Go to Adhitz and log in to your account.

Step 2: Open publishers panel.

how to generate ad code in adhitz

Step 3: Click on My Ad Zone.

how to generate ad code in adhit

I am creating an image ad so I am switching to image ads creator. Methods are same to create text or image ads.

You can create an ad-product or pay per click ad zone.

Ad-Product: Ad-product is an ad zone which lets advertisers to advertise on your site via your ad zone by paying a specific amount for a whole month, a week, for two days or a single day.

Pay per click ad zone: It is an ad space which lets advertisers to pay for each click they get.

I am creating ppc ad zone here. Creating ad-product is similar to it so if you wish to create an ad-product instead of ppc you can do it by following step 4.

Step 4: Type your cost per click amount, type max number of ads, select ad type, type minimum spend, select if flash ads are allowed on your ad zone or no and finally click on Add.

how to create ad zone in adhitz

Congratulations! you have successfully created your first ad zone.

Step 5: Now click on Generate Code in the menu.

how to generate ad code in adhitz

Step 6: Select an ad type on code generator page, click on save settings and copy the code.

how to get ad code to earn money

That's it! you have created your ad zone and got the code of ad now its time to integrate it in your blog or site!

Adding Adhitz Ads In Blogger?

Placing ads in sidebar or below header:

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard and navigate to layout.

Step 2: Click on add a gadget and click on Html/Javascript.

Step 3: Paste the copied code of ad in the Html/Javascript window.

Step 4: Click on save and you are done.

Placing ads below post header or above post footer in blogger:

Check Out: How to add ads below header and above footer in blogger posts.

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Search tags: How to earn money from adhitz, how to earn money in blogger,how to earn money online,best ad network for publishers,PPC ads for bloggers,cpc ad network,earn for each click,earn money online from blog.

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