Ranger the Scottie is hostin a blog hop where ya shares your letter to Santa Paws today, so we thought we'd share ours.
Dear Santa Paws,
Hey big dood, how are ya doin? Travis here. We has been a trio of good kitties dis year, don't ya be believin any of dat stuff ya mighta hurd. Everyone knows it are wrong to believe roomers. Speshully roomers bout disappearin bacon. It's not MY fault dey left it unattended for 2.5 seconds. I mean, I figgered dey left it for me! Besides, I's been good, no bitin or scratchin anybody.
Ok Santa Paws, it's me Angelique. I can't say I don't bite or scratch. But I'm a cat, I'm just doin what comes natural! Besides, as Lucy says in A Charlie Brown Christmas, Christmas are all about presents for pretty girls . . . And da missin gold earring of Crockett's momma's?? I still say CROCKETT did it!
Dat one deserves a big ol razzberry Angelique! We all know it wuz you. But seriously Santa Paws, Crockett here. I's a good snuggle kitty - I's been really bein a sweetheart to Whitley lately and I luv cuddlin wif da peeps. So I deserve a LOT of presents.
Speakin of which, we is askin for . . .
50 pounds of bacon
6 roasted pigs
30 pounds of boiled shrimp
5 glazed hams
10 turkeys
20 pounds of crab
6 chikkens
17 t-bones
Well, dat should get us through Christmas Day! MOL MOL!
Travis, Angelique, and Crockett