Well, all dis month, my momma has been makin way too many dog dresses for my woofie sisfur Whitley. Whitley luvs wearin dresses and has been showin off Christmas outfits all month on her blog. I has been meyowlin nonstop at my momma while she wuz sewin - enuf wif da dog clothes, I need somefin speshul!
Well, yesterday, my momma finally got message and made us kitties some Christmas bandanas. And she made more today! Da furst one are woodland-themed, it matches a dress she made Whitley. It has bears and mooses and all kindsa stuff on it! I think I's lookin pretty good - she scaled down da pattern she had for da pups, so it doesn't look too big da way it does when I wear one of Whitley's bandanas.
And Angelique looks pretty good too!
Udder dan dat, we has been busy "helpin" wif da wrappin and snoopevisin da bakin. Not da bacon - we ate dat. ;)