Christmas Bacon?

So da mommas kept talkin bout how dey wuz gonna get started on da Christmas bacon.

And we got real eggcited - I mean, it wuz more dan a week befor Christmas, and dey wuz already gettin started.  We must be gettin tons and tons of bacon for Christmas - maybe our mommas finally got a clue!!

But so far, we has not been seein any bacon.  Not one slice.  Instead, it are all dese cookies, candies, and breads.  No pork.  None at all.  And we's not bein allowed to sample any of it!!

Peanut brittle . . .

Pecan pie bars . . .

Pecan brittle . . . 

Spritz cookies . . .

Pumpkin bread . . .

Lemon tea bread . . .

Candy lasses . . .

Bacardi rum cakes . . .

and apricot nut bread.

So, where's da pork???  I wuz real confuserated, but Crockett said he thought my momma wuz sayin "bakin" and not "bacon."  Her and her southern accent and her inability to see "ing" or somefin like dat.  I guess dat makes as much cents as anything.  All I know is dat I better see some piggy, STAT!

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