Losing Hair? Stop Baldness with Garlic Juice. Hair Re-growth Trick

Normally adult has near about 100,000-120000 hair on the head and it is common to lose 50 to 100 hair a day, though most us are not willing to part with any one of those. Americans are expected to spend approximately $2.1 billion on hair growth treatments and therapies annually.

Why Garlic?

Apart from this we face various hair problems such as dandruff, dryness, frizzy hair and short growth of hair. Balanced hormones, healthy lifestyle and proper diet help in development and nourishment of hair.

Garlic is well known for its numerous health benefits. It contains Vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, calcium, fiber, zinc, magnesium and powerful antioxidants.  Selenium present in garlic stimulates the flow of haemoglobin in our body and supports hair from inside by reducing hail fall. Garlic also helps growth of hair follicles and removes harmful substances from the hair roots and scalp. It improves the texture of hair and strengthens the hair roots naturally.

Garlic is very good for scalp and hair. It stimulates the flow of blood to the scalp, thus nourishes the hair, strengthens our hair, prevents breaking off and encourages hair re-growth.

Garlic Juice magic

Grate some garlic bulbs and collect 2 tablespoon juice, add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil or almond oil to it and simply apply this mixture to region where you have noticed hair loss. Leave this application for about 2-3 hours. Wash it off using herbal or mild shampoo.

Note: You can use coconut milk and buttermilk alternatively instead of oils.


Over usage of garlic juice to hair can cause aridness of hair and scalp. So repeat this 2-3 times in first week, twice in second & third week, once in fourth week and continue it for next 5-6 weeks and see the result and emergence of new hair.

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