The video below clearly describes and explains that how an elephant is smart and intelligent that now it may understand the language of human and learn a lot of things from the teaching of the human, the video describe that how an elephant may walk on the rope very easily in spite of heaving a very heavy body and weight it has ability to walk on rope and it can take it's whole weight on the one leg of her by having the weight of a man on it. These elephant are trained in circuses. In the old times the elephants were used to live in jungles but now these have a lot of abilities and are able to live anywhere but according to me these elephant must live in their jungles as that place in made for these creatures.
Video of Elephant Walking on Rope
Elephant on Rope by waheedxamo
The ropes used in these shows are usually made of tough steel. In this show two ropes are used both the ropes are clamped on both side very tightly and the elephant is a little high so as if it falls down then it would have a few of injures.
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