How to Add HTTPS Support to Secure your Blogger Blog

How to Add HTTPS Support to Secure your Blogger Blog
Google is lovely. The team of workers knows better about their product users. They work hard for expanding their products from Google search to Blogger.

As you can see there is no more expanding update for Blogger users for a long time. But we are accepting that Google will give us something great for our waiting.

Initial Rollout Of HTTPS Support For Blogspot Users

The HTTPS is stand for Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secured (secure).

For adding a small S after HTTP in custom domains. We have to pay $$ to SSL Certificate providers. Since this update is only for * sub-domains.
 For example we at can't use it as Https:// But we can use it for our blogspot URL like Https://
The clean update is:'s HTTPS support is only for sub-domain (blogspot) users. Not for custom domain holders.

How To Turn On HTTPS For A Blogger Blog

Let's learn how you can turn the secure connection on for your blogspot blogs.

1. Open your Blogger account
2. Select your desired Blog for giving it a secure connection
3. From the left menu click on Settings > Basic
4. Now you will see an option saying HTTPS Settings
5. Now click on Yes button (see below image)
HTTPS option image is form Blogger Buzz
That's all.

Your blog is now 100% secured from attacks and work on encrypted network connection. You can say to your blog visitors, that you are offering a encrypted data transfer. So! Your blog readers will feel safe at your blog.


This is a great step forward from Google for Blogger. You can reply to this update and can ask for more capabilities on Blogger Help Forum. Raise your voice and ask then to update this feature custom domains too.

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