What is the benefit to stop Country Specific URL Redirection?

How to add country specific URL redirection. This is so simple that a non technical blogger can also perform this change.


Are you using a free blogging platform?

If yes,

then you must be aware about its country specific url redirection.

What does this means?

If you are not much sure about this term then you are loosing search engine ranking due to delay in reaching to the final destination of country specific domain type.

It takes some time to convert your country specific domain type to the visitors country specific domain type. And your search engine ranking pays for this conversion.

Do not let it happen, add the following script to stop country specific url redirection.

How to stop country specific url Redirection?

For this you have to edit your HTML coding to add following script:-

Step1:- Login into www.blogger.com account
Step2:- Click Template
Step3:- Edit HTML
Step4:- Press Ctrl+F to search for </head> tag
Step5:- Add below script just above </head> tag

<!--Stop country specific URL Redirection script starts here-->
<script type="text/javascript">
      var blog = document.location.hostname;
      var dtype = document.location.pathname;
      var dtld = blog.substr(blog.lastIndexOf("."));
      if (dtld != ".com") {
        var ncr = "http://" + blog.substr(0, blog.indexOf("."));
        ncr += ".blogspot.com/ncr" + dtype;
<!--Stop country specific URL Redirection script ends here-->

Step6:- Now click on "Save Template" and you are done.

After doing above settings to your blogspot's template, visit your blog and it will show you your blog ending with DOT COM (.com) domain type.

What are the benefits to stop url redirection?

  • Increase search engine ranking
  • Increase user trust level
  • Decrease blog load time
  • Decrease bounce rate of blog
Let this small script work for your blog. You will see the result in your google analytic in few days after adding this script.

I hope this will clear the purpose and benefits of adding this script in your blogspot blog.

If you this, it is clear to you then you can share this with in your circle.

Thanks for reading this till end.