How to find the Best Time to Publish a Post?

How to find the Best Time to Publish a Post? There is nothing in blogging you can not achieve, but you have to be very consistent while blogging.   Because,     "Blogging is full of secrets behind the scene, but a blogger can design his own way to blogging success. - Mohinder Paul Verma"

There is nothing in blogging you can not achieve, but you have to be very consistent while blogging.


"Blogging is full of secrets behind the scene, but a blogger can design his own way to blogging success. - Mohinder Paul Verma"

I don't know how many of you would agree with me on this statement. 

But this is a fact and I can prove this to all who is reading this post.

As per my blogging experience, when you start writing, the first question which comes to your mind is:-

What is the best time to post on social media?

When a blogger starts his blogging journey, he finds lots of advice on the internet as follows:-
  • How to find a blogging niche 
  • How to setup a blog
  • How to format a blog design
  • How to find the best Title or headline
  • What should be the best word length for a post
  • What is the best time to publish a post
  • How to use social medial
  • What is the best time to promote a post on social media,
  • and so on....

And you will be surprised to see that there are 100 or 1000 blogs already written on the topic you are thinking to write on.

If you don't believe me, you can give a try to find the topic you are going to start your blog.

Most of the blogs are giving with Infographic with little guide graphically from starting a blog and to promote a blog.

Also you will find the best days and timing to share on social media. So that you can get maximum engagement and reader's base.

"The best time to publish a post is to write consistently. Consistent writing doesn't matter whether you are following any schedule or not. It will pay you in the end. - Mohinder Paul Verma"

Let me ask you few questions so that I can give a better technique to you to be a successful blogger.
  • Are you a new blogger? 
  • How frequently you are publishing posts?
  • What social media you are using to promote your posts?
  • Is there any specific time to post on social media?

Before I give you the answer of the best time to publish a post, you must read the answers from me.

Are you a new blogger?

Answer:- If your answer is No, then this post has nothing for your because you have seen all the obstacles in the path of blogging and you would have understand the the best time of blogging.
But, if your answer is Yes, then you must understand your loyal readers. Also you should write for them in the way they like.

How frequently you are publishing posts?

Answer:- If you are not sure or are not publishing posts regularly, then you are at high risk. Any time you can give up blogging.

And if you do not want to give up, then you must write consistently. A regular write up will give you a solid readers base and loyal followers.

Also your blog search ranking will improve.

What social media you are using to promote your posts?

Answer:- If you are not sure about any social media or using any without understanding its influence, then you must stop and rethink about.

As per my experience, if you are regularly updating your posts on social media and engaging other like minded bloggers then it is sure that you will get loyal readers from social media.

In simple words, again consistently updating and following your readers on any social media will bring success for your blog.

Is there any specific time to post on social media?

Answer:- There are lots of applications or websites which are showing the best time to post on a particular social media. 

But as per my experience, there is nothing like that. 


"A blogger is the creator of blog success. The better you understand, the more you will get out of blogging. - Mohinder Paul Verma"

And if you are posting on a regular interval and consistently, then that will be the best time for you to get the maximum better result from any social media.

It doesn't matter which social media you are using to promote your posts. But you have to be very consistent while writing, publishing and re-posting your content on social media.

Consistent is the best time to post.  

It doesn't matter whether you are following any schedule or not. It will pay you.

I started this blog on 11th March 2015 and this blog has more than 100000+ viewers base. And I have earned $400+ dollars from this blog in different ways including advertisements.

Do you want to know the success of this blog?

I hope you all would like to know the secret of my success in very short time span in just 6 months. 

Please do not try these tactics if you are absolutely new to blogging. First understand the basics of blogging and blogging skills.

8 Points to remember to be a successful blogger:-
  1. Do not follow a schedule for posting your content
  2. Do not be a copy cat, be original and unique
  3. Do not try any third party paid tool, before trying its free version to understand its functionality
  4. Publish what you think is good for you and then for others
  5. Publish content within your niche
  6. Never try to misguide your readers, write what you have tried to achieve your blogging goals
  7. Do not run for the success, it will come to you if you are dedicated for your blog
  8. Do not be hurry while writing your content, take your own time
Read above 8 points carefully and understand what I am trying to tell you.

If you will follow these instructions and the main theme of this post i.e. CONSISTENT BLOGGING, I am sure you will be a successful blogger.
There is no best time to publish your content online. If you want so, then write consistently and share with your online communities or readers.
"Don't just be a blogger, Be a consistent writer." - Mohinder Paul Verma
So now what you have learnt from this post. Share your feedback in the comments below.
Thanks for reading till end.