How To Add Elegant Music Player To Blogger In 3 Minutes [VIDEO]

How To Add Elegant Music Player To Blogger In 3 Minutes [VIDEO]

Couple of years ago, I posted Add Music To Blogger Blog (blogspot) that was a very simple way to add music to blogger blogs. With a simple embed tags, you could have added a link to the audio file that you want it to get played.

Though, as with the time, we have many more interesting options and very simple to implement music player widgets that you can add to blogger blogs with few clicks.

As shown in the video tutorials below, you  can see how we can utilize cincopa. There are tons and tons of templates for music players available that you can choose from.

All of this is totally free.

What you can do with this Music player widget for Blogger (Blogspot)?

1- Simply upload your own music files
2- Upload multiple music files to make a playlists (optional)
3- Simple code to install it to your blogger blogs.

 Step #1 Go to Cincopa Music Player Widget Gallery

It would ask you to signup. It's a one time process. Simply do that to get access to the next step. There are many other options out there to add music to blogger blogspot blogs, though this one is pretty powerful. As it allows you to upload your music files to its server and makes a playlist for this if you want.

You don't first have to host your music to some other place and then add link to the music player, like in our last example.

Step #2 Choose your theme

There are many music player widget themes to choose from. Once you've selected your desired template, simple hit 'Use This Skin' and then hit >> 'Use These Settings'

Step #3 Now it would ask you to make an account.

Hit Signup via Facebook or another social profiles that you want to speed up the process.

Once that's done,

Step #4 Upload Media and Switch Toggles

This is the step we were waiting for. You can now upload your desired audio play back that you want to be played once your blog loads. Once that's done, hit 'Galleries' >> Settings >> And switch the toggles such  as 'Auto Play' etc.

upload your own music file cincopa

(This is all demonstrated in the video tutorial)

changing toggles cincopa

Step #5 Implement the Code

Once every thing is finalized, you're just left with installing the code. Follow the Video tutorial for that. You just have to add an HTML/JavaScript gadget in the sidebar or where ever you want the music player widget to appear on your blogspot blog.

Hope this was helpful. Watch the video tutorial attached to get the entire screen cast and step by step instruction to do it in under 3 minutes.

Watch Video Tutorial

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