How I Multiplied 250$ Into 11,000$ In 1.5 Years! Power Of Investing In a Blog

How I Multiplied 250$ Into 11,000$ In 1.5 Years!

Note: This is the post that I shared a while back, though I believe it's quite motivating for our brothers and sisters that they should take their blogs seriously. Never hesitate to invest in it as investment done right can yield great results.

Blogging can be extremely lucrative when done consistently while providing quality to the readers and meeting the demand of your target audience.

This is a short motivational video for all of my fellows out there who are into blogging or are willing to and making up their minds to start up.

I started actively investing back into BloggingeHow roughly year and a half ago when I first signed up for AWeber and you should too.Read this post: 6 Reasons to Get Started With Aweber - You'd Be Foolish Otherwise.

AWeber, is the leading email marketing tool out there which helps you create your email list. With such great tools available, we just need to make our minds and gather our motivation to get started.

Though, not doubt it was a tough decision for me to start paying 19$ to AWeber every single month, and I had to shutdown my account once as I wasn't able to pay the recurring payments xD.

Though later, I came back with a bang and never looked back Alhumdulilah.

Email marketing is crucial when it comes to strengthen your roots online. With a strong email list with targeted audience, you rarely feel threatened by Google algorithm updates that could knock you down the furthest end of Google pagination.

2 Key Investments - Still Proud

Right from the start, I took BloggingeHow as a brand and a business in it's own sense. This helped me gather my energy and resources to invest back into it for long term gains. I had about 250$ (25000 Rs/- ) which I saved for 4-5 years span.

Spending it on a blog, with no returns promised wasn't an easy job I would say. Though, I strongly believe that hardwork and prayers pay off.

This is a little post for my fellow bloggers out there who remain hesitant on investing into their blogs, may that be in the form of a premium paid domain name, a hosting plan, an email marketing tool, a CDN (Content delivery network) service etc.

It can be anything that could help you make your blog a better place.

My 2 most valuable investments on BloggingeHow were to get help of my co-authors to create high quality content for the blog, as time is money. The more frequently could one publish content that their audience would be looking for, the faster you could expect to reach your goals.

Secondly it was signing up with AWeber as I mentioned before.

I hope that encourages my brothers and sisters out there to look forward to their blogs as an online business no matter what niche you're in. It's all about the mentality.

Stay blessed and remain thirsty to achieve your dreams.

SEE ALSO: How to Migrate from Feedburner to Aweber Seamlessly

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