75$ Instant Cash + TShirt [Eid ul Adha GIVEAWAY]

 75$ Instant Cash + TShirt [Birthday GIVEAWAY]

As-Salaam-Alaikum BloggingeHow family! I hope you guys are doing great. As I promised, we're here once again with an exciting giveaway. This time it's Eid ul Adha giveaway. Eid ul Adha is a celebration for all muslims and is among the 2 Eid's that muslims celebrate.

This giveaway starts around Eid ul Adha and the winners will be announced around my birthday i.e on 26th October InshaAllah.

This time, our participants would be having more time to enroll and compete for the first position as many of you regretted that you found out very late about the giveaway and didn't had a chance due to late entries.

I hope this giveaway would give more opportunity to my brothers and sisters in BloggingeHow family.

In the last giveaway that ran on 6th September, we received tons of cute comments, that were totally flattering. Our last time winner was Michelle Li.

Below is how you can participate and win 75$ quick bonus cash and BloggingeHow's customized 'Chasing Da Dreams' TShirt

Complete the entries below using the widget. The more entries you'll have, the higher your chances are to win.

How The Winners Will Be Selected?

I'll choose 2 winner this time InshaAllah based on the number of entries. The one with highest entries will be rewarded with 75$ cash (Either via Paypal or any other medium suitable)! So make sure you try to get as many entries as you can using the widget below.

Money Prize?

  •  Award to Winner: 75$ (First Place)
  • BloggingeHow's 'Chasing Da Dreams' custom TShirt - Local Shipping in Pakistan only :)

Prize money would be transferred to winner's Paypal accounts/or via another medium suitable.  Though if one of our readers is from Pakistan and doesn't have a Paypal account, we could transfer the prize money to their respective bank accounts.

I want you to win!

If you don't have Paypal Account?

If you don't have a Paypal account and you're from Pakistan, we can transfer the money prize to your bank accounts directly or via another medium suitable. (Bank transfer, Easy Paisa, Western Union etc)

What is Required from You?

1. Comment Below and let me Know these 3 things in the order:
  • How did you find this Giveaway (via social media or you're a follower of Bloggingehow)
  • Why You Want To Win? How Would You Spend the Gift?
2. To have better chances to win the Giveaway, you have to get multiple entries via Widget below. Come back daily and earn more points.

When Will The Winner Be Announced? 

I'll announce the winner on 26th October InshaAllah!

Enter In The Giveaway Using The Widget Below:

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Now you may like to watch our last time giveaway winner: Michelle Li, Winner of our Last month's Giveaway

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