What is the Best Method for Keyword-Driven Blogging?
I don't think that blogging is for everyone because
"Blogging is not a technique, but an Art."
Like any art, the skill cannot be inherited. It has to be developed within the one who wants to achieve a place in blogging.
Can anyone tell me why?
I will justify the above statement and question later in this post. For now, let me ask you one more question: Are you a new blogger? If YES, then, it is alright. But, if your answer is NO, then…
Do you know about keyword-driven blogging?
And, please, do not tell me that you really don't know about it. Let me tell you, frankly, that “keyword-driven blogging” is the most important term in blogging. Your blogging success totally depends on the way you present your blog.
So, what can you do if you are not aware of keyword-driven blogging?
Well, this is a serious question. If you accept my suggestion, you will search the net to find out how to become a successful blogger. However, I don't think that you will find any relevant answer about this term because it was first used by BloggingFunda - A Community of Bloggers.
Before I start writing about the best approach for keyword-driven blogging, you must understand the meaning of the term.
What is Keyword-Driven Blogging?

You must remember that every niche of blogging depends on it. In this post, I am going to discuss the best method of searching for keywords. See, the success of your blogging depends on the keywords you are using. I want to show and explain to you this new term of blogging.
Do you know why it is not as simple as one thinks to start a blogging career just by collecting some information on a certain topic and starting writing?
"The technique of keyword-driven blogging is a hidden process; it’s time consuming too."
It requires plenty of time and patience.
Do you know why I call it a hidden process? That’s because it works in the background process of search algorithms. I don't think that all bloggers spend plenty of time searching for in-depth information on micro keywords.
If you are writing your posts with keyword-driven techniques, then I am sure you are getting viral organic search traffic. But if you are new to this, then you are lacking something you deserve.
So let's start using this brand-new technique to maximize your search results!
How do you Increase Your Visitors with Keyword-Driven Blogging?
As discussed above, with this technique you will be increasing your online visitors. In fact, they will become your repeat visitors forever.
That’s a multi-million dollar question!
When you read the amazing answers, or test it on your blog, then you will note the fantastic results of keyword-driven blogging.
Make sure that you have plenty of time to search, collect, research, and implement this technique. Those compiled keywords will surely drive massive traffic towards your blog.
So, what is keyword-driven blogging, and how do we use it? Here is a step by step guide:
Search-Engine-Optimized Keywords
- In this section, you will learn how you can collect optimized keywords. You can use the free keyword finder feature of Google's Keyword Planner to find out the optimized keywords for your blog content. This will show you the most searched keywords with their search history. You can choose from a given list of keywords according to your current or future blog topics. There are other free tools to help find optimized keywords besides Keyword Planner, such as Ubersuggest, Keyword Tool, and many more.
- These keywords will be based on the topic, or main phrase, of your blog. The count of keywords may vary from one topic to another, so choose wisely. In addition, accurate keywords will attract more visitors.
- Now, I will address the concept of using search-engine-optimized keywords while writing your content. The section below is going to help you understand how and why to use keywords in a blog.
Online Keywords
- If you know about keywords and their benefits for bloggers, then you must know about the concept of online keywords. If you want your blog to get traffic from Google or other search engines, then you need to make sure that your blog contains content created around--or with--the right online keyword. This means that you should be using words that your potential audience is already using while looking for similar products or services online.
- The best way to discover these keywords, as proven by thousands of thriving online businesses, is to use Google's auto-suggested keywords (search phrase “Google Auto Suggest”) as a base to create content for your website, or blog.
- By creating content around these popular keywords, you are readily giving great value to your blog visitors. Google will definitely reward your blog with higher rankings, which will increase your traffic.
- These online keywords are also important if you are running Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns. You will want totarget your ads based on keywords that users type into Google.
- The keywords that you target will bring the right audience to your website. Showing your ads to people who type the same keywords will result in a higher click through rate (CTR) and a lower cost per click (CPC). This will convert to higher conversion rates for your business. As a result, you will spend less money on advertising and generate a better return on your investment.
Keyword-Driven Testing
- This is also known as table-driven testing or action word based testing. It is a software-testing methodology suitable for both manual and automated testing. This method separates the documentation of test cases--including the data to use--from the directions on how to execute test cases.
- Keyword-driven testing is a type of functional automation testing.
- We use a table format, usually a spreadsheet, to define keywords or action words for each planned function.
Long-Tail Keywords
- A combination of more than two or three words in a search, or in blogs, is more likely to increase traffic through any search engine. In other words, long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use. These types of keywords can be highly valuable if you know how to use them.
Keyword Analysis
- Keyword Analysis is the initial step and backbone of search-marketing strategies. If search marketers understand what queries qualified visitors to their website type into search engines, they can customize their landing pages to increase conversion rates.
Please see my related post: What-is-Basics-of-Blogging.html
Keyword Phrases
- This is another form of long-tail keywords. It can help you get a massive amount of visitors from the web. A keyword phrase is generally two or more words that are used by advertisers in search engine optimization. They are also employed by visitors who are using search engines to find information based on that particular phrase.
- Visitors use keyword phrases to search for something on the internet. Keyword phrases that are used in metadata are no longer frequently in use by search engines.
Content Keywords
- This is nicely defined by Google:
- The Content Keywords page lists the most significant keywords and their variants Google found when crawling your site. When reviewed along with the Search Queries report and your site's listing in actual search results for your targeted keywords, it provides insight into how Google is interpreting the content of your site. The significance of each keyword reflects how often it's found on your blog pages.
Negative Keywords
- In pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, negative keywords prevent your advertisements from displaying for particular keyword phrases. The process of adding negative keywords to a paid search account is an important part of the optimization process. The reason is that it allows you to eliminate search queries unlikely to convert into a sale. You can find negative keywords free online with this tool: Negative Keywords Finder.
Niche Keywords
- This is another form of long-tail keyword. It helps blogs to get a huge amount of traffic. It also works to optimize blogs and pay-per-click campaigns for preferred areas of interest.
Set up Your Blog Content
- When you have completed the first phase of collecting optimized keywords, then it is time to set up the content according to your keywords. Most bloggers first write content for their blog, and then they find relevant keywords. This is a mistake, and you should not do that.
Your blog depends on keywords; they are the backbone of your blog.
"The harder you work to find keywords, the more your blog’s content and rating will improve."
Prepare Quality Content
- The key concept in writing a blog is preparing quality content. Did you know that writing great content for a blog is the choice of the writer? You can choose to put in the time and work required to create great content and build a prosperous brand. On the other hand, you can choose to take the easy path and write poor content--or even copy content from other blogs.
- That second path will ultimately get you nowhere. It will only result in wasting time, energy and resources. The path for content marketers is clear. In order to gain traffic and maximize your search engine optimization (SEO) ranking, you need to write quality content. Quality content contains the following attributes:
- Original writing
- Killer, or optimized, headline
- Accurate sourcing information
- Images along with text
- In-depth content
Content Marketing
- Like promotion in any other medium, content marketing is any marketing that is used in the creation, sharing, and publishing of content in order to acquire and retain customers. It also involves consistently creating and curating valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior. Content marketing consists of the following steps:
- Search relevant content
- Prepare marketing strategy
- Start content-driven marketing
- Begin data-driven content marketing
SEO Strategy
- It is most important to write a quality blog with keyword-driven content. You can build a successful career in blogging, and a loyal base of readers, with SEO Strategy.
"The process of tailoring your blog to the search engines is the most importantpart of your SEO strategy."
- As you know, the policies of search engines change frequently as the web evolves. You must make sure to keep your blog up-to-date with the most current SEO strategy in order to claim the best possible rankings for relevant keywords.
Prepare your blog-marketing strategy
- It is possible that you are already using a marketing strategy for your blog. However, you need to update it from time to time due to the frequent changes in search engine policies. Your content strategy should include some basics as well as new techniques:
- Goal or mission
- Target audience
- Keyword planner
- Title planner
- Content management
Test your marketing strategy
- Before implementing any strategy, you must test it so that you can check for loop holes. This will also give you more time to rethink and re-implement your plan.
- Implement your strategy.
- If you have tested and found it to be a fine strategy, then it is time to fully implement it. By doing so, you will be available and ready to accept the result.
- Monitor the output/result.
- After fully implementing your marketing strategy, you are ready to receive the results. It doesn't matter whether they are negative or positive, because you will learn from them either way. Just be sure to carefully monitor the output at the end of the time frame set by you to run your policy.
- Analyze the output.
- Now that you have all the output data, it is time to analyze it. This will help you to make any necessary changes in your strategy of marketing your blog content written with the help of optimized keywords.
- Prepare a report.
- You will either be unpleasantly surprised or happy to see the output of your plan. Prepare a uniform report to discuss with the experts in the field of blogging. You may also want to contact professionals who offer services for keyword planning and optimization.
Marketing Strategy
- Marketing strategy is absolutely the same as SEO Strategy. I don't think I must rewrite the same content as I discussed above. On the other hand, I will list the six steps again:
- Prepare your blog-marketing strategy
- Test your marketing strategy
- Implement your strategy
- Monitor the output/result
- Analyze the output
- Prepare a report.
Analyze the Final Report
- What to do with the report
- See, if you have done everything step-by-step, then there is nothing that you cannot achieve in blogging. Your step-by-step follow up will surely bring a huge amount of loyal visitors to your blog!
- Make sure you are completing these steps from top to bottom and work accordingly. If your final report does not meet your expectations, then you can correct your mistakes or reform your marketing strategy. Follow these steps, which are best for keyword-driven blogging:
- Check your blog niche
- Check the optimization of your blog title
- Analyze your searched keywords
- Re-write your content by adding necessary points.
- Re-write your content by removing unnecessary points.
- Shuffle the ideas in your content to place them in their proper place.
- Start alpha/beta (A/B) testing your old post by re-writing.
- Use third party tools, i.e. e-mail subscription or opt-in forms.
- Check the load time for your blog. (Important!)
- Seek help from professional bloggers.
If you are blogging according to the 15 points of keyword-driven blogging listed above, then I am sure that you will see the difference in your blog’s progress.
So, use the above points with the utmost care and be blessed with organic search traffic.
If you think that this post is a complete guide for keyword research and keyword-driven blogging, then please share it with your circle and subscribe to our e-mail list.