Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags with Large Image to Blogger

This post will guide you to add Facebook open graph Meta tags to your Blogger with easy and simple method. You may integrate your Web pages into the social graph via open graph protocol tags. Once you add the open graph meta tags on your webpage, your page would likely to equivalent as a Facebook page. When a user clicks on a Like button on your blog's homepage, and if you already have installed Facebook's JavaScript SDK to your Blogger, a connection is made between the user and your blog. It will be appeared in the 'Likes' section of the user's timeline profile. If a user clicks on Like button on your post pages, it will also display on their Facebook timeline and their friend's newsfeed. After adding Facebook open graph meta tags to your Blogger, Facebook will sync your blog information such as post title, description, author and post large thumbnail easily, and will be display on Facebook.

facebook open grapgh meta tags for blogger

"The data you provided via Facebook Open graph Meta tags define how your page will be represented on Facebook."

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