Ways to Make Money Online for Writers by Freelance Writing

Ways to Make Money Online for Writers by Freelance Writing

Dear Friend,

If you don�t have a blog and don�t want to join in an ad revenue sharing agreement, you can still make money to write articles for a fixed rate. Personally, we have hired nearly a dozen writers to write articles for us and paid thousands of dollars to freelance writers. 

There is definitely a huge demand for freelance writers, although there is a lot of competition. We will not go into details on how best to become a freelance writer, as there are more experienced people to tell you that, however we do believe at least one aspect of it is building up a reputation.

What are the Ways to Make Money Online for Writers by Freelance Writing? 1001proways.blogspot.com
Ways to Make Money Online for Writers by Freelance Writing - 1001proways.blogspot.com

Some of these Freelance Websites can help you get start:

  • Break Studios � find Freelancing writing work.
  • Constant Content � Commission freelance content writers to create original content for your website. Find seo content writing and writers. Trade your blog posts and articles for cash.
  • Demand Media - Application based freelance writing site that reportedly pays up to $15 per article.
  • Fool � Write financial stories and make money to do so.
  • Iwriter - Freelance writing website. This one has been recommended to me by several bloggers.
  • London Brokers � You don�t have to be a professional writer but a native English speaker.
  • Mashable - Mashable hires freelancers for a variety of categories.
  • Need An Article - An Article Writing Service that provides, SEO writing, business writing, technical articles, creative writing and more.
  • Seeking Alpha � Write articles for them and make money online to do so.
  • Text Brokers � Submit blog posts and articles in exchange for money. I have personally bought articles from Textbrokers and the quality is good. On average, you make money around $4 per 400 word article (potentially more for better quality).

  • Writers Domain � Looking for highly skilled and qualified writers to compose blogs on various topics.

    In this Ways to Make Money Online for Writers by Freelance Writing � An Easy Guide, you have learnt:

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