How To Choose A Good Domain Name For SEO

For beginners really need to pay attention to the use of the domain name when creating a website. we've has been optimizing hundreds of websites in terms of backlink; and it's clear that sites that use domain names containing keywords; It is much easier to achieve the desired position.
domain name seo tips
 How To Choose A Good Domain Name For SEO
But still it should be noted that the google algorithm is currently applying EMD or exactly the same domain; so it needs to be a little cautious in choosing a good domain name; because in addition to the positive effects could also exist in SEO from our website.

So here I want to give you some advice that you can do in choosing a good domain name for SEO of your site:
  • Try and get the best domain name for your keywords; Although for that you have to buy from people who already have it; because a good domain name will help in either the short or long term.
  • Try to use a domain name ending .com TLD.; Don't buy a TLD such as second class. mobi, or .info because more easily remembered by visitors is .com
  • Do not use a hyphen (-) in your domain name.
  • If you are using the com then try a maximum of 3-4 words in your domain name
  • If you wear a .net or .org so that a maximum of 2-3 words in your domain name
  • If you have a trademark; then please wear for embarrassing the keywords in your domain, let impressed. Example:

You can also try wearing a local TLD if indeed your target market in your country or Global too.
There are some things that are often a problem in entering the keyword into your domain name; but the problem appears most often is the branding. So many people want to put their brands into domain names. For example, there are companies named "Boss Gold; who sells farm equipment. They may prefer to wear the name rather than due to more emphasis on brands.

If the newly created sites have the budget promo minimalist and your company is not important then you should not put forward the branding used to be. You can only do the brands if your brand is already famous and SEO of your website has been very strong. You can only buy a new domain name and do a redirect from the old name of the domain to a new domain name ... This can not be done from blogspot; If you are a user of blogspot, then you should ask your domain name provider to perform the transfer.

So in the beginning you should choose a domain name that contains keywords first. In addition by using the keywords in your domain name; definitely easier and more natural to your website to get the anchor text of the backlink that contains the keyword. For example: is more natural if you accept a text anchor clothing sold online.

A domain name can make optimization backlink You become much lighter than it should be.