How to Choose a Best Domain Name in 2016?

How to choose a Best DOMAIN NAME in 2016- What the Tips? Does it need? Yeah, Of course choosing a domain name is a very important stage. This can complicate your SEO and can also make it very easy. Take the time to read my tips in choosing the best domain name.

Check it out: Complete Guide on How to Choose a Good Domain Name 2016
How to choose a GOOD DOMAIN NAME

1. Try to contain keywords
A Domain name can really help you win the competition keywords. This takes into account the very robots. This is also the reason the domain name always banned in the SEO competition, because there will be inequality in opportunity, and people are so lazy they competed.

2. Try using .com extension
COM is a TLD (Top Level Domain) the most memorable. If there is the same site name then the first will test. Com. So is highly recommended so that the brothers managed to get a version of the domain name. COM that you want.

3. Select the name pronounced Easy
This needs to be the civil records, because many people make it to the wrong address due to incorrect typing or spelling errors. So, make sure you choose a name that easily spelled and typing.

4. If you could Try a short Domain name
The shorter the course easier to remember, but of course we often constrained because the name is already in use by someone else. So, if you still can do a shorter version then do your best.

5. Try not to use hyphens (-)
Based on the results of research, it turns out the name using the hyphen is easily forgotten by the people. Many forgotten names that are behind the hyphen. So if possible, do not use a hyphen. We strive to let our visitors remember your domain name and visit again.

6. Avoid the use of a replacement letter numbers (not TOO MUCH)
The same principle by which we mentioned above. Select the name like this could make it difficult for visitors to remember. And that certainly doesn't help the civilian rank placement. Search engines are very calculating the value of a domain name. Do not be destroyed by using a name that is not raw.

7. Avoid using the Abstract name
Many are trying to make the name of his website looks like "", so compromising the power of keywords in the domain name. Robots and algorithms don't like language that is not raw, so avoid. If insist then robots will assume your blog is not a professional blog.

8. First names that contain keywords instead of brand
Do not imitate Google giddily. Google needs a long way to go to create brand recognition. If you are just starting a commercial web sites should be pioneering the first keyword. Unless you are big business and his name was already well known, use your own brand.

9. Try a unique name
If you can find keywords in a format that is unique and rarely used other people it would be good for once. It is very important to make your visitors easily remember your domain name. I myself have difficulty to find a unique name for your blog with SEO Tutorials this genre so I hope EASY-SEO-TIPS name is quite easy to remember.

10. Search now!
If you are serious about getting a good name, then the sooner the better. The longer the delay, the person then the opportunity name evaluator You captured getting bigger. So wait, soon to be boiled and choosing the best keywords for your blog, and find the best domain name for your blog.

Hopefully this article can help ease your blog SEO optimization then. Good luck and get your best domain names for 2016.

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