27 Powerful Tools Blogging

On this occasion will Ane give "ultimate weapon" when struggling in the blogosphere, either blogspot or wordpress.

This blogging weapon in the form of "tools" and "software" which is definitely beneficial and can help Buddy in developing and building a quality blog. Not only the quality of the design, but also the quality of the content.
 As already SLB Template share in some previous article on tips to make a quality bloh.

Right away, ya weapon SLB Template mean:

  1. Bulk Metric Checker (check domain availability)
  2. GTmetrik (measuring the speed of loading of a blog)
  3. Page speed google (speed test blog google version)
  4. Chkme (gauge Score / SEO value of a template / theme blog)
  5. Parse kode HTML
  6. Keyword tools (for the purposes of keyword search again value article)
  7. Responsive test dan ini (measuring responsive template)
  8. Mobile Friendly (check the user template or not)
  9. Google Webmaster tools (measuring performance in searc engine blog)
  10. Pingomatic (submit articles or blog to be easily recognizable in the search engine)
  11. Feedburner (linking the article on the feed to be easily recognized by others as automatic)
  12. Google Serp Checker (check the position of your blog on google)
  13. Google ping (submit to google)
  14. Bing master
  15. Google submit URL
  16. MOZ (backlink checker)
  17. Google Richsnippnets (check the validity of the data structure template)
  18. Mark up validations (check the validity of the data html)
  19. CSS Unminifler (uncompress CSS)
  20. Java script beautifler (uncompress Javascript)
  21. Java script comprsesion tools (compress java script)
  22. Adobe colour (design header)
  23. Small SEO Tools (all kinds of tools for SEO blog)
  24. Scrapebox (software helps in SEO blog)
  25. GIMP (photo editing software)
  26. Inkscape (software for design header)
  27. Notepad ++ (assist SL in template modification)
With these tools, companions can maximize the blog to be created. success. thank you. 

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