How to Submit a Site to Google News?

Google News is a major traffic source for news websites, it can also provide you some traffic if your site has 20 to 30 articles related to latest news or old news, but the article should be entirely focused on a particular news, it can be technology, cinema, politics, world news, etc.

So in this tutorial I will show you how to optimize your site for google news and how to submit your blog/site to google news and get approved easily! If you don�t have any articles related to a news or focusing a particular news then write 10 to 20 articles and apply for google news after 3-4 month.


News content. Sites included in Google News should offer timely reporting on matters that are important or interesting to our audience. We generally do not include how-to articles, advice columns, job postings, or strictly informational content such as weather forecasts and stock data.

Journalistic standards. Original reporting and honest attribution are longstanding journalistic values. If your site publishes aggregated content, you will need to separate it from your original work, or restrict our access to those aggregated articles via your robots.txt file.

Authority. Write what you know! The best news sites exhibit clear authority and expertise.

Accountability. Users tell us they value news sites with author biographies and clearly accessible contact information, such as email and physical addresses, and phone numbers.

Readability. Clearly written articles with correct spelling and grammar make for a much better user experience. Limiting your use of distracting ads and auto-load videos also allows users to more easily focus on your article content.

News technical guidelines

Google News uses a computer algorithm to automatically crawl news sites. To help our system determine which webpages are actually articles, your site should follow our Technical Guidelines.

Here are some common technical issues you should consider:

Article URLs. To make sure we only crawl new articles, please make sure your URLs are unique with at least 3 digits, and are permanent.

Article Links. When our crawler scans your site, it looks for HTML links with anchor texts that includes at least a few words. We are also unable to crawl JavaScript, graphic links or links found in frames.

Article formatting. Our crawler is only able to include HTML articles. This means we cannot crawl PDFs or other non-HTML formats.

Robots.txt or metatags. In order for your content to be included in Google News, our user-agent must be able to crawl and index your site.

Multimedia content. We currently are unable to include audio files or multimedia content; however, we can sometimes crawl supplementary text on pages with this type of content and do include some videos from YouTube.

While not required, we highly recommend that you submit a Google News Sitemap through a Webmaster Tools account. Please note that you may receive errors if you submit your sitemap before your site has been reviewed and approved by our team.

How to?

#1: Verify your site for Google Webmaster tool.

#3: Click on button named "Request Inclusion in Google News"

#4: Done.

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