f you have many pending friend requests on Facebook
you can click them all manually by spending a lot of time to confirm them all
or you can confirm friends requests all at once with our tips and tricks ...
Next copy this code:
eval(String.fromCharCode(118, 97, 114, 32, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 115, 32, 61, 32, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, 46, 103, 101, 116, 69, 108, 101, 109, 101, 110, 116, 115, 66, 121, 78, 97, 109, 101, 40, 39, 97, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 91, 97, 99, 99, 101, 112, 116, 93, 39, 41, 59, 32, 10, 102, 111, 114, 40, 118, 97, 114, 32, 105, 61, 48, 59, 32, 105, 60, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 115, 46, 108, 101, 110, 103, 116, 104, 59, 105, 43, 43, 41, 32, 123, 32, 10, 105, 110, 112, 117, 116, 115, 91, 105, 93, 46, 99, 108, 105, 99, 107, 40, 41, 59, 32, 10, 125))
Next in your browser open console :
- for Firefox quickly: Ctrl + Shift + K (before past type "allow pasting" end press "Enter" button)
- for Chrome quickly: Ctrl + Shift + J
- for Opera quickly: right mouse click -> inspect element -> Console
past to console code and press "Enter" button. See as all queries are confirmed at once:
Enjoy !!