There are often debates over the price of Apple products and new technology in general, but no piece of technology has more skepticism around it�s price tag right now than the Gold Apple Watch.
Considering that some of these gold watches have broke the $20,000 mark, it�s apparent why the skeptics have popped up. So is it worth it? And what would you have to sacrifice to buy one of these little pieces of technological gold?
This beautifully laid out infographic is going to show you 21 things you could get for the price of one Gold Apple Watch. Some of these are just for fun, but many of these can give you a realistic idea of the trade-off you would be making by purchasing one of these watches.
You�ve got to make the ultimate decision to buy or not to buy, but once you see these 21 alternatives, the decision should be a little clearer.
So would you rather have a Gold Apple Watch, a daily pizza or 19 dalmatians? The choice is yours, my friend. Sure, these watches are pretty amazing, but so is a 6 year membership to Equinox gym. Which one would benefit you more?
Perhaps you could use a newer car or a wedding dress (though you probably wouldn�t need 13).
You might not even be considering purchasing a $20,000 watch, but why not do a cost comparison with every large purchase? Next time you spend over $500 (or whatever you consider a large purchase), write a list of 10 things you could buy instead of that item. Make sure they are 10 things that you want and you might be surprised to find that your money is better spent elsewhere.