Top 10 Blogging Tools - A Review by BlogingFunda

Top 10 Blogging Tools - A Review by BlogingFunda

Top 10 Blogging Tools

Whenever you are finding quality content to publish and share on any social media, the kind of thing that catches attention and gets people to view, click, comment and share your content, it requires to be one of the most valuable, most original places to turn your own blog and the content you personally create to share with your online circle.

Now the next questions become - How to start a blog, How to create amazing content, How to put together blog posts strategically and efficiently, and How to get your content out to the masses, so that it can attract a huge traffic in terms of readers and search engine ranking can also get better.

Blogging Tips are a good to keep in mind before the actual start of blogging journey. And to supplement the words you use to build your blog posts, I have found top 10 number of blogging tools that help with everything from coming up with ideas to spread the content far and wide, however there are several other free and paid tools are available for the purpose of blog and blogging. But I will stress on these top 10 blogging tools to start.

I have divided these top 10 blogging tools further into three sub categories.
Sub Categories of Blogging Tools by Blogging Funda

Blogging Platform

In this category, I have collected 5 major platforms for blogging and I am including free and paid both blogging platforms. You just need to create your login id by completing the signup process and by confirming your email id and after paying your subscription where it is required in paid platforms. These all are user friendly and one can easily setup a blog with little or no technical knowledge about blog or blogging. You will get everything on each blogging platform to use for free to write and publish your blog post. Have a look at below image to know about the top 5 platform under the category of blogging platforms.
5 Best Platforms for Blogging Suggested by Blogging Funda
Here are the urls of each of the blogging platform for your convenience to use as per your requirement of blogging.

BlogSpot - Link to Open in New Tab

WordPress -  Link to Open in New Tab

TypePad -  Link to Open in New Tab (PAID)

SqureSpace - Link to Open in New Tab (PAID)

LiveJournal - Link to Open in New Tab

You can setup your blog on any of the above mentioned platforms for blogging. Either you can choose free or can opt for paid platform. The choice is yours. All are best blogging platforms.

Title Maker 

If you are a new blogger and can not stress more to think about the suitable title for your blog post, then, we will recommend two best tools to create blog title for you. However there are several tools available online to use. What are these tools?


Content Creator

Like title generator, these tools just you to select trendy or best keywords suitable for your blog content. And if your keywords are ready then you can easily write your best content to publish on any blogging platform. However, there are several other tools but I prefer below 3 tools to use for generating keywords for your content.
  • Google Trends 

    Did you ever use Google Trends to create well optimized content for your blog? If not then you must use this tool to make your blog content robust and don't think so much, just try and you will see the difference. You can run the topic through Google Trends to see search volume for the different keywords and phrases you�re considering using.
  • Keyword Planner 

    Do you frame your blogging idea into a far reaching blog post that people can easily find? You can check for popular keywords with the help of Google�s Keyword Planner. It lets you enter a series of keywords, and Google returns results on search volume and popularity as well as related keywords that might spark an idea for you.

     Top 10 Blogging Tools - A Review by BlogingFunda
    Top 10 Blogging Tools - A Review by BlogingFunda
  • Keyword Tools 

    This is an alternative to Google�s Keyword Planner, Keyword Tool returns up to 750 keywords for every keyword you enter.

Do you have a best blogging tool? Read on to see if it�s not included here in the list but has a best impact with the use of that blogging tool, and drop a note in the comments with which ones you love and using.

I am always keen to learn more about what more blogging tools are out there. I hope, I have discussed in details about The Longest Ride in Blogging.Now it is your turn to show your gratitude by subscribing our emailing list or you can also follow us on Google Plus Community Page.