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Did you know that you can also earn with your blog title.
I hope you did not know because every one is just trying to write a post and do not care about other sources of earning.
However most of the bloggers are earning but still not everyone. If you want to know about then you must read about a professional blogger and +Harsh Agrawal my ideal in blogging.
I will point his earning report of March 2015. There you can get more information about earning sources but I request you to focus on the titles of each post written by him. He is just selling titles through his blog and earning a lot.
I hope you did not know because every one is just trying to write a post and do not care about other sources of earning.
However most of the bloggers are earning but still not everyone. If you want to know about then you must read about a professional blogger and +Harsh Agrawal my ideal in blogging.
I will point his earning report of March 2015. There you can get more information about earning sources but I request you to focus on the titles of each post written by him. He is just selling titles through his blog and earning a lot.
Possibility for Selling Blog Titles
"Practically it is not possible to sell your blog title but still you can do that just by following some rules and fulfilling some requirements while blogging."
I have already written in my previous post about the types of blog post title or heading and if you did not read then it is for you What Type of Headings should use for Your Blog?
As per my observation and experience of blogging, there should be some research before using any title for your blog post.
For example if you are going to write your blog post, make sure to use google search to check if it is already written or not because if it is already written then there will not be any benefit of reusing that title and you won't get any attention in the search result.
Your title should be unique and you can write a killer title just after researching on the topic by searching in search engine then you can too sell your titles to your audience. This will take some time to master in this technique but as you know that slow and steady wins the race.
There is some technical exercise to sell you blog title to your audience and you must master those skills of blogging.
What are those Blogging Skills?
These are just 4 How-Tos which you need to know before writing your blog title and I am sure if you have thoroughly studied all then no one can beat you and you can easily sell your blog title to your audience.
- How to use Google Search for Relevance of title
- How to use Google Analytic for know audience interest
- How to use Google Keyword Planner for using in blog title
- How to use Google Webmaster Tool
Read it carefully to understand what I mean by selling your blog title. You have heard or read a lot about how to set up a blog, how to monetize your blog, how to make money with your blog or how to generate more traffic with your blog etc. But I bet you did not read or hear anything about how to sell your blog title.
How to make your Blog Title for Selling?
If you know about setting up a blog and some basics of internal coding then I am sure after following these simple but most effective steps, you will be able to sell your blog title to your audience. The question is How?
- Use Content Relevant Title for your blog
- Use Keyword Driven Blogging
- Use Optimized Keywords in your content
- Use Search Engine Optimization Techniques
- Use Reference of other relevant blogs
Content Relevant Title
Before start posting your blog post you must take care about the use of relevant content title to be used in your post. Do not neglect your page title because it has a major impact on your search engine traffic and search ranking.
Your blog will get appears or disappear if you do not use proper and relevant title of your content because all search depends on google algorithm of search.
Keyword Driven Blogging
See this is a details topic and I have something for you to read about this term Keyword Driven Blogging.
Optimized Keywords
Almost every blogger is using some keywords but do you think ever that inspite of using keywords, you are still not getting much attention by the search engine. This is because of not using proper and optimized keywords. If you are not using these optimized keywords then the search engine will not include your blogs in the search result and you will loose the huge traffic and search engine ranking.
SEO Techniques
There are two types of techniques which are being used in search engine optimization of a blog page. Before starting any technique you must know about both.
- Off Page SEO
- On Page SEO
The above two are SEO techniques and one can opt any as per their requirements.
BloggingFunda Tips for Off-Page SEO
As per BlogingFunda Tips, an Off Page SEO refers to technique which is being used to improve the position or ranking of a web page in the search engine results.
BloggingFunda Tips for On-Page SEO
As per BlogingFunda Tips, an On Page SEO depends on the meta tag and keyword density. You can read full details on an infographics created by BACKLINKO. For your ready to read I am embedding their infographics below.
Reference of Other Blogs
If you are using reference of other blogs in your blog post then, indirectly you are creating a healthy relation with the owner of that blog as well as with the search engine. Don't think too much for using reference, just give it a try and see the difference. This is a magical trick and you will see several benefits of using referrals of other blogs.
After following above steps and keeping in mind that you are writing to sell and if you will spam your keywords then it will give you a negative impact.
I hope I have discussed in details about all the requirements to be a professional blogger and by thoroughly studying these one can easily be on the track of becoming a professional blogger.
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