How To Create A WiFi Hotspot In Windows 8.1/8/7 Using CMD

You can easily create WiFi hotspot in Windows by using command prompt if you have wired or wireless WiFi connection.

Step 1:

Open Command Prompt (Admin) as an administrator and enter below command.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
ssid=EthicalHacking key=Wiknix1122

ssid = Your Wi-Fi Name
Key = Your Password

Step 2:

Now create virtual adapter by the use below command.
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Now type exit and enter.

Step 3:

Right click on Network icon and click Open Network and Sharing Center.
Open network and sharing center

Step 4:

Click Change adapter settings.
change adapter settings

Now right click on your Internet Connection and click Properties. I�m using mobile broadband, if you using ethernet then right click on ethernet.

Step 5:

Now click Sharing Tab and check �Allow other network users to connect through this computer�s Internet connection� and select Local Area Connection 12. Now click OK, that�s it.
select network connection

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