Blogger authors can easily create Full width page on their blog.
Do you think creating a full width page on blogger blog is useful or not. This question arise when there is no use of such full width page on blog when it comes to inserting tables or creating a special 404 page or contact page or advertise on this blog etc., this type of page is necessary.
When visitors experience any post without sidebar with full width page looks your template more professional.
Here in this tutorial we present you different method of creating a Full Width page for blogger blogs without any hardwork. Removing sidebar to make your blogger page makes your template more stylish and attracts a lot of visitors. Let�s begin the tutorials
Sign into Blogger account
Pre-decide which page you want to create full width page to make visitors more convenient to read your article.
After completing your blogger post --> click on �Post HTML Tab� on the top of the post
Copy the below code and paste it bottom of the page i.e above </div>
Using of percentage for full width page i.e 98% is good for better view on mobile template.
After adding it successfully in your post, �Save or Publish post� then preview your post how it looks. Very nice you�ve done it, your experiment is successful to make further more full width pages for your visitors.
If you�ve decided remove or not to show Titles from a certain page, then paste the below code above to </style>. Bots and crawlers will continue to fetch your title, subscribers, visitor won�t view them due to CSS coding effect.
Author Words:
Dear Reader, if you�ve enjoyed our article don�t forget to subscribe to us and we need your valuable feedback. We always respect your suggestions and views using comment box on this blog.
Do you think creating a full width page on blogger blog is useful or not. This question arise when there is no use of such full width page on blog when it comes to inserting tables or creating a special 404 page or contact page or advertise on this blog etc., this type of page is necessary.
When visitors experience any post without sidebar with full width page looks your template more professional.
Here in this tutorial we present you different method of creating a Full Width page for blogger blogs without any hardwork. Removing sidebar to make your blogger page makes your template more stylish and attracts a lot of visitors. Let�s begin the tutorials
Sign into Blogger account
Pre-decide which page you want to create full width page to make visitors more convenient to read your article.
After completing your blogger post --> click on �Post HTML Tab� on the top of the post
Copy the below code and paste it bottom of the page i.e above </div>
#kosidebar-wrapper, #midsidebar-wrapper, .gapad2, .blog-pager, .post-header-line-1, .post-footer { display:none !important;} #main-wrapper { width:98%!important;} .post { width:98%!important; }
Using of percentage for full width page i.e 98% is good for better view on mobile template.
After adding it successfully in your post, �Save or Publish post� then preview your post how it looks. Very nice you�ve done it, your experiment is successful to make further more full width pages for your visitors.
If you�ve decided remove or not to show Titles from a certain page, then paste the below code above to </style>. Bots and crawlers will continue to fetch your title, subscribers, visitor won�t view them due to CSS coding effect.
.post-title, .post-labels, post-icons, post-author {display:none!important;}
Author Words:
Dear Reader, if you�ve enjoyed our article don�t forget to subscribe to us and we need your valuable feedback. We always respect your suggestions and views using comment box on this blog.