Blogging is not difficult. Even a non technical guy can setup a blog and start blogging but if you really want to be a perfect in blogging then you must know about blogging tactics. Not only basics but also some Advance Tactics. Trust me, you will become a professional blogger and surely will be generating huge traffic towards your blog post if implemented these tactics on your blog.
Before starting make sure you are completed all steps of your Basics of Blogging and there is not any problem with that while setting up a blog and formatting your blog accordingly your requirement or choice.
Apart from basics of blogging, I am going to share some advanced blogging tactics with you and these will be from scratch of advanced tactics.After setting up you blog and all which is required to post your first post, you need to take care about following steps:-
What are the Steps?
Title Tag
Do you know that a title is the face of your blog and the very first part to display in any search result. Before your all content, only a title is displayed while searching with any phrase of keyword. So you must take care about choosing titles for your blog and utmost care about the following steps.
- Optimal Format of title Tag
- Optimal Length for Search Engine
- Optimization of blog Title
- Proper placement of keywords close to title
Meta Tags with Content and Description
Do not forget to use proper meta tags in your blog and never try to add duplicate meta tags because by doing so you will only decrease your page speed and nothing positive will happen with your blog. One thing more that your meta tag is good to add but it is not required for search engine ranking. Take care about following to points.- Avoid Duplicate Meta Tags
- Search Engine Ranking Factor
White Space
The main reason for slow page speed is that you have white space in your css, jave or html coding. By removing white space you will just make your page load fast because server reads line by line to show your blog page.
Minimal CSS sprites
Access or long css can make your page load slow than a small or minimal use of css sprites. I am not saying to remove your style sheet code but you must take care about this point carefully. Remove unnecessary duplicate coding of style sheet and make your css coding a dynamic to load it faster.
Combined Java Scripts
Like your style sheet coding you must take care while using any java script, because it take much time than other coding so always use java script on proper place. We recommend between <head>...</head> tag to load faster. You can also combine more than one javascript to run it even more faster than individual script.
Optimized Images
This is very important to optimize you images while using in your blog post. I have already discussed in my previous post about How to optimize images.
What is Best Practice for SEO
Search Engine Optimization is a vast concept and every blogger must take care of this part if you want a huge search traffic towards your blog posts. SEO is of two types and you can read about both the types here. You must take care about below four points while optimizing your blog post.
- Title of Blog
- URL of Blog
- Use of Image Attributes
- Quality Content
Enable Social Sharing
While promoting your blog post, you must remember that your blog post is enabled with social sharing widgets and links to share on social media is easily traceable by the reader of your blog.
Make Images Shareable
Always use at lease 2-3 images and make sure to make your images shareable. Now a day, there are several websites which are offering free and paid service to use their social widgets but I have written about 5 best social sharing websites which are offering several great features with free social widgets. You can read about those 5 social sharing websites.
When you have read above all the important and required steps of Advanced Blogging Tactics for 2015, you must know something about the SEO Cheat Sheet.
What is SEO Cheat Sheet?
SEO Cheat Sheet: Anatomy of A URL
You can also download this image in PDF format from the website.
What is Page Speed?
After implementing above points one must know the further advanced tools to check the speed of blog because speed is the first factor that a visitor will click on other links of your blog if it is getting open without any delay. Now you would ask that how to check Blog Page Speed online with the help of third party online tools. There are several tools available online, some are free and and some are pad. You can opt any as per your requirement. I am mentioning only two here because I don't want to confuse anyone while deciding which one to use.Google Page Speed Insight - Open Link
Google is providing this as a free tool and it is on official site of google and so, this is the official tool. It can checks the loading time of your blog and also it recommends changes which are required to improve the loading speed of your blog page.Gtmetrix - Click to open new Tab
Gtmetrix is another best mobile site loading speed testers. It is providing free as well as paid service for speed testing.
- Important SEO HTML tags
- Search Engine Indexing Limits
- Recommended title tag syntax
- Common canonical issues
- Common robot traps to avoid
- Robots Meta tag syntax
- Robots.txt syntax
- Sitemap syntax
I hope, I have discussed in details about all the requirements to be a professional blogger and by thoroughly studying these one can easily be on the track of becoming a professional blogger.
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