Double Click �Pages� on Dashboard to bring up your Pages Menu.
From here you can:
�Add New� page (click orange �Add New� button�).
. Edit a current page (click on any other page name).
Click �Preview� to preview the content you have put on the page (NOTE: this does not mean it has been saved � to save you must click the �Publish� button).
Click �Save Draft� to save a draft of your page if you are still working, but are not ready for the page to be published to your website.
Click �Publish� to make a new page of your website live.
Click �Move to Trash� to delete your new page.
Editing the Content on WordPress (kind of like Microsoft Word)
See diagram below to edit content on a page of your website:
Bold: You Can Bold the Subhead or Other Important Content (Highlight your text first, click �B� button).
Italicize: You can italicize a word or phrase (Highlight your text first, click �I� button).
Bullet List: You can bullet information (Highlight your text first, click bullet icon).
Numeric List: Or you can list them with numbers (Highlight your text first, click # list icon).
Alignment: You can change paragraph alignment to center, right align or left align (Highlight your text first, click paragraph line icon).
Links: You can add links to another page on your website or an outside website. (Highlight your text first, click link icon) (See FAQ #8 for more information).
Color Text: You can change the color of your text (Highlight your text first, click c olor �A� icon).
Add Images: You can add an image to your website. (Add media button) (See FAQ #6 and #7 for more information).
ALWAYS Update: If you make ANY changes to your website page, and want them to be saved- make sure to click �Update�.