How to Make Sidebar Of Blogger Fixed

fixed widgetNow it is not easy to make money through ad-sense. There are various ways to make money through online. Monetizing of your site has been a most important tip to make money through easily. But ads placement plays key role for more money. It means that you can only get money if visitors only click your ads otherwise there is no money will be added in your ad-sense account.

Today, I am going to suggest you a very good ads placement technique for making more money through ad-sense ads ie adding a widget and making that widget fixed through css then placing your adsense ads code. This techinue could be best for you.
  1. Lets first of all make left or right bar widget fixed
  2. go to your blogger dashboard then click on template and edit html.
  3. search the following code or ]]></b:skin> and then just paste the given code just before the above code. column-right-inner { position: fixed; }
  4. Now click on Save Template.
The above css code is just for left sidebar if you want to make fixed left just change the .column-right-inner into .column-left-inner.
You have successfully done.

I suggested you this technique because, when i use this technique i am earning double than before.

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