How to Change the Blogger URL and Re-apply For Adsense

newbie blogger
Eventually, after 2 weeks I am again here with a tip for all my blogger friends or newbie friends on blogger. This time I have come with a general and frequently occurred problem with most newbie blogger and the problem is Google Adsense disapproved.

I have already told you how you can make google adsense approved. But even if your adsense application is disapproved and you are still trying to create adsense account, you should change the url of your blog because most of the time Google does not accept those url for adsense account who was already applied for adsense but disapproved. So to apply again you should change the url of your blogger blog. Now you must improve your blog which complies the adsense policy. To do show, just follow these steps:
Changed Blogger Url

Step 01: Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
Step 02: Go to Setting and choose Option Basic.
Step 03: Now there you see blog address. Just click edit link next to it.
Step 04: Choose any available blog url and save it.

Now you changed your blogger blog's url.

In order to apply for adsense, you should go to Earning Option. Now just do what you see there.
Google Adsense Earning

I think this is much now. Comment us if you have any problem and suggestion. Thank you