Easy to Set Up WordPress

WordPress(discussed in more detail in the next chapter) are modest, allowing it to run on most commercial shared hosting plans that include PHP and MySQL.
WordPress comes with everything you need to set up a basic website. The core system includes:
- Posts and pages. In the most traditional use of WordPress, a blog (composed ofposts) will feature a few �static� (but still database-driven) pages, such as �About.�However, as you�ll see throughout this book, you can use these two primary content types in a number of other ways.
- Media files. The post and page editing screens allow you to upload images, audio,video, Office documents, PDFs, and more.
- Links. WordPress includes a link directory, often referred to as the blogroll.
- Categories and tags. WordPress includes both hierarchical and free-form taxonomies for posts. There is a separate set of categories for links.
- User roles and profiles. WordPress users have five possible roles with escalating capabilities (Subscriber, Contributor, Author, Editor, and Administrator) and a very basic workflow for editorial approval. User profiles include a description, avatar, and several forms of contact information.
- RSS, Atom, and OPML feeds. There are RSS and Atom feeds available for just about everything in WordPress. The main feeds include recent posts and comments, but there are also feeds for individual categories, tags, authors, and comment threads.An OPML feed for links is also built in.
- Clean URLs. With the included .ht-access file, WordPress supports search engine friendly URLs (or permalinks) on both Apache and IIS servers, with a system of tags that allow you to customize the link structure and several built-in configurations.
- Spam protection. The WordPress download package includes the A kismet plugin, which provides industrial-strength filtering of spam comments. Because it uses a central web service, it constantly learns and improves.
- Automatic upgrades. WordPress displays an alert when a new version is available for the core system as well as any themes or plugins you have installed. You can update any of these with the click of a button (although it�s always a good idea to back up your database first).
Easy to setup WordPress:
As of version 3.0, you can easily expand your WordPress installation into a network of connectedsites. The setup process is just a little more involved than the basic installation, and your host has to
meet a few additional requirements, which I�ll go over in chapter 13.