8 Steps to Increase Your Search Traffic with Google�s Next Update

8 Steps to Increase Your Search Traffic with Google�s Next Update by BlogingFunda Blog

Did you know that google has started some major changes in the algorithm of search results?

So there are more tasks to do for every website owner or webmaster to update/modify the coding of their site.

And these changes applied on all pages whether it is in java script, style sheet(css) or any social media script being used in their websites.

Don't ignore these changes because these are major changes that will increase or decrease your search traffic. 

Don't worry we are here to help you out. 

You just take care and follow 8 steps mentioned below:-

How to increase your search traffic with Google's Next update?

What is Latest News?

As per the official news of Google on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index, on February 26,2015, they updated about few changes in Finding more mobile-friendly search results and for this, they announced two important changes to help users discover more mobile-friendly content:
  1. More mobile-friendly websites in search results

  2. More relevant app content in search results

As per Google's latest update about these change, they said that they will be expanding  the use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal applicable for all types of web pages.

These changes are on major level and will affect mobile searches worldwide and will also have a significant impact in search results.

  • If you want to take help for making or converting your web page mobile friendly site then you can check if by visiting google official page link:Google guide to mobile friendly sites
  • If you are website developer then you can online test your site whether this is a mobile friendly or not by visiting google official page link: Mobile Friendly Test

I have tested one of my blog and it is mobile friendly and showing as per below screen shots.

And for relevant app content in search results you can go through the step by step technical guide of google on their official page to learn in full details. 

Now give a close look to understand the 8 steps to increase your search traffic with Google's Next Update.

What are Those 8 Steps?

Did you know that high performance web pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention and more conversions than low performance web pages. 

Also high performance website make the web faster.  

For making a website or page faster, google has already suggested below modification for your webpage coding.

You just need to understand and rectify the problematic area of your blog.

Eight (8) Steps to Increase Search Traffic

Taken from Google Best Practices for Speed and you can read full details about all steps by visiting Google's Official Page
  1. Compressing your JavaScript with Closure Compiler 
  2. Speeding up JavaScript: Working with the DOM
  3. CSS: Using every declaration just once
  4. Optimizing JavaScript code
  5. Prefetching resources
  6. Minimizing browser reflow
  7. SPDY Performance on Mobile Networks 
  8. UI messaging and perceived latency
If you are a webmaster or a website developer then you have heard about these 8 steps for enhancing the webpage performance but if you don't know about these steps or facing any difficulty in making above changes in your webs page code then you can always find a developer online and hire within your budget.

I hope I have discussed in details about all the requirements to be a professional blogger and by thoroughly studying these one can easily be on the track of becoming a professional blogger.

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