8 Amazing Tips to Speed Up Your Android Phone

Android phones are quite powerful these days, but there are still people who wish their phones were a little faster. It may be that they purchased an economy phone that does not have much process power or the phone may be outdated, or the phone may be so loaded down with apps and programs that it has slowed the phone down. Whatever the reason is, it is important to try to speed your phone up again. Here are a few ways that you may do so.

tips to speed up android phone

How to Speed Up Your Android Smartphone

1. Think about using a different launcher

Think about using a home alternative. There are quite a few third party launchers out there that you can use. They are an alternative to the launcher that comes with the Android. The Android home is quite complex and takes up a fair amount of memory, RAM and processor power. A third party launcher offers a strip down all of these functions, so that you are just presented with a simple launching program.

2. Lower your settings on your phone

The home page (home/home screen) may often have its settings lowered to a level that requires less processor power or memory. It is like when you play PC games and you lower the graphics so that you can play the game without it getting jerky. A similar thing may be done with an Android in many cases.

3. Turn off the animations on your Android

The animations are the little things that happen whenever you do something on your Android, such as when you open a tab or an app. These animations are there for no other reason than to look pretty. People are averse to computing software working for them, without a little bit of a preamble first. This may be removed so that the animations no longer appear. You may disable the animations on the screen, and here is how you do it: 

Settings > Display > Animation

Doing this is both pragmatic and will improve your Android performance.

4. Disable the plugin browser 

This is another thing you can do to increase the speed of your Android. It removes yet another element that slowly sucks your processor power and memory. It is a little drag factor that you may remove. Here is how you do it: 

Open Browser Settings Plugins.

5. Do not use live wallpaper

It looks pretty and it makes using your Android a little more interesting, but it does have a drag factor on the performance of your Android phone. So, it is better if you do not use live wallpaper.

6. Clear out your apps every now and again

Uninstall any applications that are not used anymore (unless they cost you a lot of money). If you have apps that you use very infrequently (maybe such as a currency converter), but that was also free, you should delete it. If you need the free app then you can just download it. Removing apps will free up some memory space. Memory usage will affect your Androids performance. Imagine that your Android OS is a librarian, and the apps are books in the Library. If there are fewer books then the librarian will find your Where�s Wally books faster.

7. Replace your heavy apps with lighter ones

Your apps will take up a certain amount of processor power and memory. Some apps are far slower than others, so uninstall the applications that consume too much memory and replace them with others that have the same function but consumes less. There are apps on the android Market whose coding is not optimized which makes them run slower. Find the ones that are better-optimized (have �tighter code� if you wish to use programmer parlance). Heavy apps (ones that use lots of processor power and memory) may often be loaded with features that you never even use. You may find other apps out there that do less and yet still have all the features you need.

8. Remove or turn off background apps

Some of these will run without your knowledge. Which means it may be time to have a good look at what your Android is actually up to. For example, many people leave their GPS on in the background without realizing it is drinking their processor power and memory.