5 Different Websites for Creating Social Widgets for a Blog

When you start your blogging game most people use just one social sharing media for their blog and this can be a great shame because there are so many different ways to get social widgets or you can say social media buttons on your blog.  Everyone should use and practicing different social media widgets on their blog to get most out the social networking.

Did you know that now a days only Social Media tools are the most extremely valuable for promoting all your awesome content written on your blog whether it is for earning money, whether it is for increase sales or to promote your blog.
As you may also know that with the invent of several social media tools by different social websites, sometimes it is not possible for us to rely on only one social media widget to use on our blog and we need to update according to our blogs requirement and should change the way these social widgets appear. And with so many social networks providing their own content sharing buttons, it's often difficult to know which social media button to use for what purpose.

Setting up Social widgets

Before setting up these social sharing widgets, you must know the 7 Secrets of Blogging. to make a professional blog with the help of of these social sharing buttons. And if you are a new blogger or just started blogging as your career then you must ask some questions to yourself about blogging and if you don't know these then I have already prepared for you in my "Brain Storming Tips & Tricks in setting up a Blog".

What you should do now?

Now it is time to prepare your content to write in your blog whether it is your first blog or you already have written some. Because quality content is the backbone of a blog and it should be qualified with the following blogging metrics.
  • Always write your Niche Blog
  • Images should also be inserted in Blog
  • Proper title of paragraph should be there
  • Do not use copyright content of others
These above are simple but most effective metrics which should keep in mind before setting up a blog.

Now we will come on the main topic about using social widgets on a blog. Do you know that there are several types of social widgets? If you didn't know then read below:-

Types of Social Widgets

  • Horizontal Social Sharing Icons

    • Sticky Icons

    • Floating Icons 

  • Vertical Social Sharing Icons

    • Sticky Icons

    • Floating Icons

  • Simple Social Sharing Icons

  • Animated Social Sharing Icons

Above are 4 main types of social sharing icons. however one can re-customize these icons as per the requirement of the user who want to use these social buttons on their blog.

You can add social media icons on any side of your blog. As per my experience it should be top and bottom and if you think then you can also implement these on your sidebar of your blog in two ways; either sticky or moveable with scroll of page. You can also customize your social widgets as an animation with the help of JQUERY or PHP Script. Some social widgets have an inbuild animated facility.

Final Step - Keep your Eyes Open

Now it is time to read about the "5 Different Websites for Creating Social Widgets for a Blog". Make sure you read the instructions on each website carefully so that you can use proper widget as per the requirement of your blog. Use properly and it will give numerous benefits. Always remember that you should have one account on each social media to grab the full benefits of sharing among your social network and use your relevant user id while designing social media for your blog so that your social network should know that you are the first person who have shared the blog content with them and they follow or recommend you blog content in their circle as well.






Above are 5 Different Websites for Creating Social Widgets for a Blog. However there are several other tools or websites to create social sharing icons for your blog but I ever use these on my blogs. These are the best social sharing widgets and everyone can trust on.

Dos and Don't while Sharing

while sharing your content you must keep in mind that social sharing is an endless ocean and you will not know that who is reading your content, whether that is in your circle or extended circle. So make below points in mind while sharing your content online through these social sharing widgets.
  • Quality Content
  • Unique Idea
  • Use your own words
  • Give credits to owner if you used any quote of others
  • Never give false commitment to your readers
  • Never give false statement about others
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