20 Natural Home Remedies For Epilepsy, Seizures or Fits

Epilepsy is a neurological issue that causes repeated seizures or fits. Seizure episodes can keep going for exceptionally short periods to long stretches. 

The seizures happen because of bursts of electrical activity in the brain that are not normal. Specialists don't yet comprehend what causes epilepsy. Often, the onset of epilepsy happens amid early childhood or after age 60, yet it can happen at any age.

The principle symptom of epilepsy is repeated seizures that happen without cautioning. This can prompt convulsions and issues with muscle control, movement, speech, vision or awareness. On occasion, an individual may additionally faint or lose consciousness.

Causes of epilepsy, seizures in Adults

Family history
Alzheimer�s disease
Head injury
Vascular diseases
Brain tumors
Prenatal brain development issues
Brain infections
Low levels of blood sugar
Lack of blood calcium
Lead poisoning
Autism spectrum disorder
Brain malformations

Causes in Infants and Children

Brain tumor (rarely)
Lack of oxygen during birth
Fever (febrile seizures)

Epileptic seizures can be startling, yet they don't result in mental illness or intellectual disability. Likewise, not everybody who has seizures has epilepsy. In most cases, at least two or more seizures in a span of 24 hours are needed for a diagnosis of epilepsy.

Here are the best ways to treat epilepsy. Follow these natural home remedies to cure epilepsy, seizures or fits, but, following remedies are not a substitute for the prescribed medicines.

1. Coconut Oil

The unsaturated fats (medium-chain triglycerides) in coconut oil have remedial consequences on brain cells. In addition, they supply vitality for the brain cells, which aides relieve symptoms of epilepsy.

1.      Have 1 teaspoon of extra-virgin coconut oil 3 times each day. You can gradually expand the amount to a couple of tablespoons a day.
2.      You can also use pure coconut oil for regular cooking, sprinkle it for salad dressings.

2. Vegetable Juices

Utilization of mixed carrot, cucumber and beetroot juices helps in the end of toxins and forestalls epileptic seizures. Blend 300ml of carrot juice, 100ml of beetroot juice and 100ml of cucumber juice. Regular consumption of this juice mixture can help to overcome epilepsy. This is extremely straightforward and effective natural cure for epilepsy.

3. Epsom Salt

The magnesium sulfate component in Epsom salt can change physio-chemical cell connections in the brain, which thus diminishes the recurrence of seizures and convulsions.

1.      Crush pure grade Epsom salt into a fine powder. Include � teaspoon of the powder to a glass of orange juice or water and drink it each one morning.
2.      You can likewise appreciate relaxing and soothing Epsom salt showers 2 or 3 times a week.

4. False Pepper

False pepper is a vine with small flowers that are green or yellow in color, and they are typically found throughout India.

5. Lime

Limes help enhance blood circulation to the brain. Also, they help standardize exorbitant calcium that may hamper brain functionality.

1.      Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice and � teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it daily before going to sleep.
2.      You can likewise apply fresh lime squeeze on your head and massage completely for a couple of minutes. Do this every day prior to bath.

6. Milk

Calcium is a characteristic electrolyte that is needed by the body for the typical working of the nerve conduction, muscles, and blood coagulation. Drink milk, it is one of the best home solutions for epilepsy.

7. Garlic

Its antioxidant, antispasmodic and mitigating properties help destroy harmful free radicals in the body and promote proper working of the nervous system. This in turn anticipates seizures and other epilepsy-related symptoms.

1.      Mix together � measures each of milk and water. Bring it to a boil. Add 4 to 5 pounded garlic cloves and boil until the mixture reduces to half the quantity. Strain and drink it once every day.
2.      Alternatively, take garlic supplements every day. Counsel your specialist for the right dosage.

8. Chamomile Tea

Drinking Chamomile tea helps an individual to relax. This tea can be prepared by utilizing tea bags or by boiling the flowers in water. Regular intake can give effective result.

9. Passionflower

It contains a synthetic known as chrysin, which helps increase the measure of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. This thus lessens recurrence of seizures and anxiety.

1.      Drink 1-2 cup of herbal tea prepared with passionflower. Steep one teaspoon of dried passionflower in a mug of boiling water for 10 minutes, then strain it.

2.      Passionflower is likewise available in capsules, tablet, liquid extract and tincture forms. Always take this herb under the direction of a doctor.


Avoid passionflower on the off chance that you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Likewise, counsel your specialist before taking this herb as it may increase the effects of anti-seizure medications.

10. Valerian

It contains a synthetic known as chrysin, which helps expand the measure of gamma This is an extremely powerful natural treatment as a result of its anticonvulsant activity. For this property it is called as tonic herb which diminishes seizures. It likewise controls central nervous system by its neurotropic impacts.