How Do I Manage My Time? - A Day In Life Of Hassam Ahmad Awan

Time management is one of the key factors that determines ones success. We all have 24 hours a day. That's where we all are equal. The way we utilize the most precious commodity we have, builds our pathway in the future. Personally I'm no where 'great' in managing my time, though there doesn't passes a single day where I would have a plan to follow and tasks to achieve.

It's been long that I have written any motivational post out here and this is the perfect time to do so. As many of you guys know, it's my final year in Computer Science degree, I've a huge challenge against time when there are gazillions goals to achieve.

a day in life of hassam ahmad awan

Personally I love these challenges and I would like to put forward my typical day now days and what tasks do I look forward to achieve.

I'm not really into micro managing my daily activities and time spent on each, though I've a crude idea of how much time I need to spend on every single task I look forward to do.

Lets get into my typical day, my goals and how I look forward to achieve them. Our life is like worlds tallest building Burj al Arab. Every single day is a new opportunity to put in more bricks to it. If we would slack, our ultimate goal of what we wish to be will further get away from us.

My Daily Tasks & a Day in Life

So my typical day would be like waking up early (around 5-6am offering fajar), having breakfast with the family. Then I would take 1 hour after breakfast to read newspaper (just a short glance) and check my emails and reply back to my lovely BeH family. (If your email is still not replied, I'll get back to you InshaAllah asap. Sometimes I overlook some emails and you guys are awesome to remind me for that!)

Then I would recite Surah Yaseen, (If you're muslim, I would highly recommend you to do so as it has huge barkaah in it). Up till now, this is the routine I try to follow every single day, though here after, it depends upon my university schedule.

Generally, I have classes in the evening so I have like all the day to follow my dreams. Currently I had been slacking on posting on BloggingeHow as I was focusing on side projects and, which is rising fast.

As a side note, do checkout this post where I shared as to why I decided to upload videos directly to my Fitness Facebook page rather than sharing YouTube channel videos.

I'll soon InshaAllah share it's statistics with you guys. After giving in about 2 hours to blogging (creating content, may that be post or a video), I would check my aweber account (premium email list management tool) and create specialized follow up messages for my email followers. If you aren't yet in my email list, you can do so for free and download my eBook 1000/per month blog.

Next up, I would have my lunch and head of to University. Once back, I would have a cup of tea that just refreshes me and prepares me for gym :P I don't take any pre-workouts so a cup of tea does the job pretty well as it has caffeine.

My gym is at about 10 min drive and it would take about 2 hours for the entire workout to complete including. Below is the latest workout session I did for back. If you're a blogger or a person who would sit all day long in front of these electronic devices, I would highly recommend and push you to join a gym or a fitness club around your vicinity to get your body rolling.

When a person is young, a lazy life style doesn't seem to bother. Though it would all show up it's aftermaths when we grow old. So make sure you put in effort to keep you body healthy too.

Once back from the gym, I would take have my dinner with the family and spend an hour or so with them. Side by side, I would edit my workout videos that I shoot in the gym and edit and upload them out.

Finally at this point, the clock speaks out around 10pm and it's time for a labor man sleep. My sleep is like resistant to 'Malhamah' xD, so a straight 6-7 hours of sleep does the job for me to recover.

Dream, Goals and Objectives

This typical day of mine didn't mentioned my university stuff, Fyp project and any other unforeseen event. I've a very clear dream that I look forward to work for day in day out, which is to reach as many people as I can in the world and inspire them to believe in them selves and to think out side the box.

Since our child hoods, we're asked what we wish to be. A doctor, engineer etc and we have few more professions out there. BUT No one asks us what 'we wish to create' and which is the very reason we are born as a 'job seeker'.

I aim to motivate my brothers and sisters out there to be a source of inspiration for others and build your own empire in what ever you do. Entreprenuership is the best way to achieve that.

+Marc Fitt is a huge example of this. He's not only an inspiration in the fitness industry, BUT hes a great business man. He knows how to run his company and market him self. At such a young age, hes been able to reach millions of people and changed their life.

Hes a huge inspiration for me too and tons of people out there. This is one of the reasons I shared my daily routine so that I would be able to motivate my BeH family to stay thirsty for your dreams every single day.

I hope you're clear about what you want from your life and start following it from today! There is no tomorrow!

Stay blessed and I would leave you with this thoughtful quote:

�A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.� � George Patton