National Girl Child Day in India

National Girl Child Day in India
National girl child day is celebrated every year on 24th of January as a national recognition day for the girl child. This festival was begun to offer more supports and new chances to the girls in the country. It is celebrated to increase the awareness among people about all the disparities faced by the girl child in the society. Inequality about girl child is an immense issue which incorporates numerous areas like inequality in training, sustenance, legal rights, restorative consideration, security, honor, child marriage thus numerous.

National girl child day has been begun as a national girls development mission by the Government of India. This mission raises the awareness among people everywhere throughout the country about the criticalness of girl's promotion. It improves the compelling commitment of the girls in choice making methodologies through the dynamic backing of the folks and other group parts.

National girl child day 2015 would be celebrated on 24th of January, at Saturday.

Why National Girl Child Day is Celebrated

It is celebrated to advance the girls position in the society to bring about a significant improvement among society people. It is extremely important to evacuate distinctive sorts of social segregation and abuse that girls by and large face in their life. To increase the awareness about the need of the girls right in the society, different political and group pioneers discourse to general society about the girls ideal for the equivalent instruction and major flexibilities.

It is extremely important for the girls to get maximum capacity, sheltered and empowering environment. They ought to be aware of all their legal rights and the unavoidable truths that apply to everyone. They ought to be aware that they have the great training, sustenance and human services rights. They ought to be very much aware about enactments including Domestic Violence Act 2009, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 and Dowry Prohibition Act 2006 with a specific end goal to get their legitimate rights and face all the difficulties in life.

In our country, female literacy rate is still 53.87% and one third of the adolescent girls are malnourished. Regenerative age bunch ladies are pale and experiencing different illnesses only on account of the sex segregation in the society and constrained access to the wellbeing administrations. Different steps have been taken at national and state level by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to enhance the girl child status through a scope of plans.

The Women and Child Development Ministry had executed a plan called "Dhanalaksmi" to make money exchange to the girl child family to satisfy the essential needs, for example, inoculation, conception enlistment, school enlistment and support up to the Class VIII. The Right to Education Act has made accessible the free and essential training to the girl child.

How National Girl Child Day is Celebrated

Mixtures of occasions are composed the whole way across the country to praise the girl child day to advance girls position in the society. Administration of India arranges an enormous battle to increase people awareness towards the girl children in the Indian society.

National Girl Child Day festival was begun by the Women and Child Development Ministry since 2008 to celebrate as the national recognition. Through this fight, the Indian Government has highlighted the disparities towards the girl in the Indian society. At this day, different ads are controlled by the legislature on the TV channels, nearby newspapers and radio stations and through the message of "Spare the Girl Child". NGO associations and non government associations likewise meet up and participate in the festival to battle against the social shame about girl child.

Goals of Celebrating National Girl Child Day

It is celebrated as a national recognition to increase the awareness of the people and offer new chances to the girl child in the society.
  • To uproot all the disparities faced by the girl children of the Indian society.
  • To make sure that every girl child is getting fitting admiration and esteem in the Indian society.
  • To guarantee that the girl children are getting their all the human rights in the country.
  • To conflict with lessening the child sex proportion in the India and change the people mind about the girl child.
  • To start few towards the girl child by expanding awareness about the vitality and part of the girl child.
  • To address the girl children issues related to their wellbeing, admiration, training, nourishment and so on.
  • To engender the sexual orientation uniformity among people in India.

Girl Child Rights in India

Government of India has made different strides by proclaiming mixture of plans to bring about a significant improvement. Some of are:
  • Sex determination amid pregnancy through the centers has been obstructed by the legislature.
  • Child marriages of the girls have been limited.
  • Antenatal consideration has been made fundamental for all the pregnant ladies to battle with the hunger, high illiteracy, neediness and newborn child mortality in the society.
  • "Save the Girl Child" plan has been acquainted by the administration with recovery the girl child.
  • Girl child training status in India has been enhanced through the free and mandatory elementary school instruction for both young men and girls till 14 years of age.
  • To enhance the status of the girl child in India, the legislature of India has held 1/3 seats in the nearby government for ladies.
  • Hostile to MTP, against sati laws, against share Act has likewise been acquainted by the council with upgrade the ladies status and vocation opportunities.
  • Five Year Plan has been executed to give careful consideration towards the training status in the retrogressive conditions of the country.
  • School children are decently profited with the garbs, twelve supper and instructive materials and reimbursements to the SC and ST caste girl's families.
  • Balwadi-cum-creeches have been executed for minding the girl babies and go to the grade school.
  • "Operation Blackboard" including different projects has been sorted out for the educator's instruction to make the school administrations advance.
  • The Open Learning System has been made for effectiveness to the girls of regressive areas.
  • It has been announced for the girl child that "girls must be given equal medications and opportunities from the earliest starting point" to grow the opportunities for them.
  • The SHG implies Self-Help Groups has been presented by the administration as the principle policy with a specific end goal to bring about a significant improvement the work of country areas girls.