How to Add Custom Template in Blogger Blogspot?
We will discuss HTML5 Type Website Template in Urdu, Hindi and English but before knowing about this, learn what is custom template, it is basically a design or themes applied on your own blog or website. On the Internet you will see several websites each of them will have their own unique design and style, These designs and style are called template in the world of Blogging. When we refer to custom template then that means modifying or changing the design of template by your own content requirement or of your personal interest.
Here in this post of Custom Template Mastfun4u I will teach you to apply or add a custom template or design or your on blog as well as you will be aware of customizing it with your own topics and thoughts.
How to Apply a Custom Template?
As you know about custom template now we are going to learn that how to do that?, Let's startfirst of all you will have to download a theme or template from internet, the best way to do that is to
search it in google images where you will be able to see the preview over there then go to site and download it.
Now here is How to do that
Watch The Video Training Here in Urdu and Hindi Language for English Please Go to YouTube and search for How to Apply Custom Template in Blogger Blog-- After Learning Come back to here.
This is Lesson 06 -- Visit Step By Step Blogger Tutorial Here
Next lesson of course is Adding Large Social Widget (Followers - Subscribers - Sharing) and previous lesson is Adding Social Sharing Icons in Below and Above the Post.
Recommended: Jpstation Best Professional Template
Customizing Navigation
Here we will customize the most mentioned thing which is Drop Down Menu, drop down menu make our visitor visit our site through categories and we put our best posts on this menu navigation.
Further customization will be make such as removing power by blogger attribution and much more.
Important pages will also be added such as About Us, Contact us and privacy policy.
I will strongly suggest you to watch the video again and again and try to make yours self expert in template customization rather than taking help from others.
I have applied JpStation template which is very simple but if you want to use any other template then the procedure will be same and I hope no difficulty will be faced. If you want to apply other kind of templates go and Google them. What I do when find template is that I find templates in Google Images and download the template from there as when you click on the image it shown a link to the website where that template is added.
Your own design makes your blog very attractive and elegant the thing you need to remember is that you must have a look at your blog's side bar because there you may add Popular posts, Recent posts, Live news, about the author, e-mail subscribe form, Google Plus Follow Gadget, Advertisement, Categories widget and much more, besides, you may move anything from up to down and vice versa and also move widget in any area of your blog layout.In above table you will see our full blogger and make money online course so follow that and start earning today.
If you have any problems questions or suggestions regarding the post topic or any other topic related to blogging then please feel free to ask us. This method used in this post may be used for the codes of Custom WordPress Theme too. Thanks for your interest in applying Custom Template in blogger blogspot.