How to Restore your Backup of Blogger Template

In our earlier lesson we learnt How to create the Backup Template, Today we are going to learn how we can again apply the Template which we made for the Backup. The Backup Template helps us to again use the older template, in case we don�t like the new one. When ever we are changing our Blogger Template, we must create the Backup for the current Template so that if we don�t like the new one, we could change it again. Here are the Steps given to use the Backup Template again in your Blogger account.
How to Restore Backup Template of Blogger

Steps to Restore Blogger Template

Step 1:   Firstly login to your Google account and open

Open Blogger Site then Login with your Google Account

Step 2:   Now click on Template Button in the menu.

Press Mouse Left Button on Template Which Appear in Menu

Step 3:   Click on the Backup/Restore button.

Click on Backup/Restore Box

Step 4:   Now Browseyour Backup Template from your computer and Upload it by clicking on Upload Button.
Browse your Template from your Pc Directory then Press on Upload Button

You have successfully restored your Blogger Template. To get more Stay with use, we provide you all the methods and tricks helpful for Blogging. You can learn more and more about Blogging by checking out our other articles.

In case of any problem, you can ask for help anytime, we would love to hear from you.

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