In this tutorial you will learn that how to post in every Facebook group at once. This trick is very easy. Everybody knows Facebook is one of the famous social media sites in the world and lots of people use it and there are many spammers in it, who are always looking for some place for spammy posts.
Several have difficulties in posting in many groups because there internet speed is slow and they have to enter in every group and then post and it takes a lot of time. So in this tutorial is good news for those people. You can now post in all facebook groups at once without having any restrictions. First of all download this Facebook Group Poster script (don�t hassle its size is just 7.8kb) I guarantee it�s no spam or fraud. You can download the script from the below button:
Script |
Next just after getting the script follow all these steps otherwise watch the video tutorial below it: The new tool for Search Engine Marketing. US database 40 000 000 keywords. Learn everything about your competitors! - Now open the downloaded script and copy the complete code of it.
- Go to Facebook and press right click and select �Inspect Element� option.
- Another panel will open. Then go through the �Console� box and hit Ctrl+V to paste the script and hit enter.
- After a few seconds another box will come out where you would have to write the post.
- Write your post and click on �Post� button
- After sometime a Pop Up will appear �Your Posting Has Been Completed�
- Now refresh your webpage and open any group you will see your posts there also on your facebook timeline
Congratulations! Auto Posting Has Been Completed Successfully.
NOTE: Please use this script just twice a day otherwise it will get banned from your Facebook account.You have to carefully use this script. It�s functions are really good! You can post in all groups including your timeline for free. Bad thing is that you are unable to add a picture in the post. I will also share a tutorial on how you can add all friends in a Facebook group with a single click! If this script stops doing work then kindly comment so that we can upgrade it immediately.
Thanks a lot, for watching my video tutorial I hope that you would have liked it now kindly comment to appreciate us and don�t forget to share this post with your friends.
Bonus: Below is the list of some famous facebook groups which have millions of members. You can join these groups and can use this script in these groups. You can share your message or link with millions of facebook users. You can Download the list from below button. We are adding more groups in the list so check often the updated list. Thank You
Groups List |