How To Make Your Blogger Blog Title SEO Friendly

How To Make Your Blogger Blog Title SEO FriendlyHello Friends this article will help you to make your blogger blog title seo friendly. Title is one of the most important part of a blogger blog in the search results because it helps you to drive the attention of your visitors to read the whole of your blog post. You may have seen in some blogs that when you visit their blog post the blog title is shown before the post title it is extremely important for you to fix this because having the blog title appear before the post title is not seo friendly. So today i will show you how you can edit that to fix that so that your blog title will be properly optimized for search engines. So follow the below steps to optimize your blogger blog title for the search engines.

How To Optimize Your Blogger Blog Title

  • First of all go to your Blogger Dashboard.
  • Now Click on Drop Down menu and click on Templates.
  • Now click on Edit Html and find below code.
  • Now Replace Above Code With Below code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
  • Now click on Save Template Button.
  • All Done friends.

From the Editors Desk:-

It is good that you optimize your blogger blog for search results this will surely help you to get good position in the search results.  Hope this tutorial will help you to get good benefit from search engines to your blog. Do tell us if you face any problem.

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