How To Backup Deleted Posts In Blogger

How to backup deleted posts in blogger

Backup means to recover something, every website and blog needs a backup because sometimes unexpected things happens. Like other platforms blogger also lets you to create backup . In blogger you can create two types of backups one is of template which will keep backup of all changes in template of your blog while other will keep data of each post of your blog either it is old, new, published or is in draft. Why do you need a backup? the answer is because if some unexpected event goes then you could recover your posts.
Suppose if intentionally or by mistake you delete a post and later on you think to recover it then you will need a backup because it is the only way to recover a deleted post in blogger. So if you have lost a post and can't regain it then read this post to create a backup and prevent this to happen again in future. Its very easy to create a backup in blogger. Blogger provides backup in form of an XML file which is not too heavy and you can save it in your computer, usb or in cloud by uploading it to mediafire. It takes seconds to create a backup in blogger and doesn't need to have skills. If you want to create a backup of your blog template then you can read a post about that here which I have created recently. In this post I will show you how to create a backup so that you could recover deleted posts. To create a backup follow below steps:
  1. First of all go to blogger and log-in to your blogger account.
  2. Open your blog, click on settings and select other.
  3. Now search for blog tools on the settings page.
  4. Blog tools show three options one is import blog, second is export blog and third is delete blog click on export blog here.
  5. When you click on export blog a small window will be opened, now click on Download blog and you are done.
How to backup deleted posts in blogger | 101Helper

The file shown in above image is backup file having XML format, now another thing comes that is how to backup posts using this XML file. Its very easy, all you have to do is to follow all above steps except step number 5. Instead of step 5 click on import blog, choose the XML file which you downloaded, solve the captcha, below it check Automatically publish all imported posts and pages if you want to publish all posts or uncheck it if you want to publish each post on your own and click on import blog.

How to backup deleted posts in blogger | 101Helper
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Search Tags: How to backup deleted posts in blogger, how to create backup in blogger, how to backup deleted pages, how to create backup in blogger tutorial, how to export blog to other blog, how to import blog, how to create backup in blogger, 101Helper blogging tutorials, beginner to blogging.

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