For Faster Page Loading Switch to Adsense Asynchronous Ad Code

Google launched its new version of Adsense Ad Javascript Code Asynchrounous to improve users page speed. If the webmasters are still using the Old version Synchrounous Adsense Ad Javascript code then it is better to replace it with new version of Adsense Ad Javascript Code Asynchronous to improve your blog loading speed. Most of the Techblogger are implemented on their blogs/websites if you want to improve your subscribe base or traffic then switch to Asynchronous JS code.

If you've added Older version Google Adsense code after phrasing now replace it with new version code by using Google Adsense code Converter.
To overcome Google Adsense Ads loading problems users can migrate to new Adsense Ad Javascript Asynchronous version. Google Adsense new version renders user experience and enhances web page loading without blocking other parts of your web page from loading.
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Here in this article we educate you better and easy way How to implement or migrate to new version, let�s start step by step.
Step One

Sign into your Blogger account
From Blogger Dashboard select �Template Link Tab�
Click on �Edit HTML�
Search for code </head> or <head>
Copy the below code
<script async='async' src=""></script>

Paste it before </head> or after <head>
Note: You need add this once only inspite of you�ve multiple ads
Step Two

Sign into your Google Adsense Account
Click on �My Ads� link tab
Click on any beneath Ad Unit size (You want to replace with older Ad code with new Ad code) �Get Code� link (As shown in the image below)

Now Select �Asynchronous� option (Automatically its shows new version Ad code)

The Older and New code looks like this

Old Version Synchronous Javascript Code
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
/* 300x250, created X/XX/XX */
google_ad_slot = "XXXXXXXXX";
google_ad_width = 300;
google_ad_height = 250;
<script type="text/javascript"

New Version 'Asynchronous' JavaScript Code
<script async src="//"></script>
<!-- 300x250, created x/xx/xx -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Copy the New version Asynchronous Javascript code code to Note pad file
Replace Older version Adsense Ad Javascript code with New version code
You can practice to other Ad units using same method.

Author words:
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