Note: Facebook had stop this way of earning but few days ago I think there is a commitment between FB and Adfly, Now this method is used again.
Today we have decided to create a post regarding Making Money With Facebook and twitter, Before this I also published an other different way to make Facebook content a source of Income.
You can see this post only for increasing your computer skills but not for earning.
In this method we will make money through click bank product selling thorough this method you can earn upto Rs. 500 in a day have a look at this video.
Make Money With Facebook 2 (Video)
Make Money with Facebook without Investment Method 1 by Click Bank In Urdu and Hindi by Waheed Hussain
For earning from Facebook you must have traffic which means a lot of friends, followers or page likers to earn by this way.
This above mentioned way of earning via facebook is not used now, fb has disabled this way by their self so be away from it. Thanks.
This above mentioned way of earning via facebook is not used now, fb has disabled this way by their self so be away from it. Thanks.