Amazon has released a big update for Fire Phone

Amazon has released a big update for Fire Phone
Customization Android OS adds to the problems producers in developing system updates and Fire Phone - one of the most complex machines in this regard, because it is very different from running any version of Android. For this reason, an update to get it relatively slowly and rarely, but now Amazon has introduced a large package, which includes a number of fixes far beyond the usual bug fixes.

In the new version v3.6.5 for Fire Phone includes:

Translation of texts and paintings recognition program Firefly Text. Transfers are available from / to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Recognition paintings works for 2000 of the most well-known, taken from the database of Wikipedia.

Added function Best Shot, which allows to make three shots and choose the best for saving. 
Added function to enable or disable the settings SMS / MMS.
Now you can use up to 49 additional keyboards in languages other than the main one.
Added function block calls from specified numbers.
Added function to download ringtones from the app store Amazon.
Manage your music is now possible with the lock screen, as well as automatic activation of the smartphone in the preparation of notifications.
The kit includes an application WPS Office.
The smartphone can connect to a VPN network through native protocol IPSec / L2TP.
Added sync calendars between devices registered through your account on Amazon through Amazon Cloud Calendar.
The program Kindle Books added function continuous scrolling.
Also optimized battery consumption and fix the next identified bugs.

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