The technique which I will tell you very important for a successful blogger, This technique is called "Call For A Action", In this technique states to call back a visitor to your blog, Mostly visitors just come on the blog, they read your articles and then they get back and will never come back. Therefore I have got a experience and I have given it a name Call For A Action.
Most of the bloggers make a Mistake which save us from building the Successful blogging future I will tell you how to make them again and again back to your blog.
So let's see How to Call back the Visitors?
1. E-mail Subscription
Subscribing to newsletter is a way to directly say your visitor to join you. this is also called email subscribing, For this you can consider that you have Money in the List, Say your reader words
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An other way to engage your visitors with your site is to encourage them in the post regarding comments. Try to write some words at the end of every post.
Like: What kind of tricks & tips you are following to engage with the readers? Then Share it in the comment Box
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3. Social Media Followers
You can try many other Top traffic sources to get the visitors to your blog but the main point is to make them your regular readers. Ask them for following you on social media.
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Give the Value to Comments of your visitors
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