Samsung launching Gear VR 'Innovator Edition' in early december

Samsung Gear VR is basically a device similar to goggle of glass but is a complete cinema, when you wear it you will think like you are in an other word. see the picture below it describes it better.

Samsung Gear VR may be a virtual reality device developed by Samsung electronics unitedly with eye VR. The Samsung Galaxy Note four is employed because the screen and driving laptop, mounted within the Gear VR device. Like Google Cardboard, Gear VR has no show itself. however in contrast to Cardboard, Gear VR has multiple input strategies and a headscarf to stay the device on people's heads. The Gear VR was initial declared on Gregorian calendar month september, 2014. once paired with the Samsung Galaxy Note four, the Gear VR creates a completely freelance system, with no interfacing required with external devices (in distinction with the eye Rift, which needs a computer for the computation), creating it a very mobile system. It options a touchpad on the correct facet, a volume rocker, and a back button that area unit interfaced to the Note four via a small USB association.

You may find Samsung Gear Features from Here and specification may also be found there.

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