How to Make Static Pages in Blogger Blog

Static Pages play very important role in any site. When a person creates a Blog or site the Static Pages just like �Contact Us� Or �About Us� helps him to make its site Beautiful and attractive. It is very to make Static Pages in Blogger, we just need to know some basics of Blogging for it. Today I am going to tell you guys, how we can create Static Page in Blogger.

Create Static Pages in your Blogger Blog

What is a Static Page

Static Page allows the users to directly see some notifications or some extra information that is provided by the admin of that Blog. The person of the Blog just need to make a page that will appear on the Main Page of his Site. The users can directly see the things that administrator wants to make them seen. You can create Static Pages easily in Blogger; you just need to follow the Steps Given Below:

Steps to make Static Pages in Blogger

Step 1: Login with your Google account and Open

Login to Google Account

Step 2: Now go to the Pages button given near to the �view blog�.

Go to View Blog then Click on Pages Button
Step 3: Now click on New Page to create a new Static Page.

Press The New Page button For Create a Static Page

Step 4: Don�t forget to give a Page title, because your Page will be appear with the name of your Page title.
Essentially Give Page Title to Page

Step 5: After adding your material to your Page, click on Publish button.

When you Done your Work Then Publish it by Publish Button
Now you all have done, enjoy�

In case of any Problem Regarding Basics Things of Blogging , You can ask for help�

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