How to Increase Blog Traffic with Keyword Tool?

How to increase blogger blogspot traffic? is the first and main question of every blogger and web designer, but the question is Why? do they ask this? "Traffic" is the answer! The traffic increases your audience viewers and visitors, due to which you can get personal gains.

What are keywords?

When you go to any search engine like Google, Yahoo, Ask, Yadex and Bing, you first type for something to search, the words that you search are called keywords in the word of search engine optimization (SEO). 
For example if I have to search "How to get traffic for my site" in Google search then the words in inverted commas will be keywords.

How to do keyword research?

The keyword research is done with various tools which are available on internet but there is a very easy and free tool provided by Google it self, now proceed with below steps to get started.

This is Lesson 11 -- Visit Step By Step Blogger Tutorial Here 

Next lesson of course is Best Places to Use Keywords In Blogger Blog Post (Better SEO) and previous lesson is Adding Blog in Google Search Engine (Listing in Google)

Search the words which you want google to take visitor to your site.
and you will see below screen and click on the first option shown by arrow in below snapshot
2. Write your desired keyword for which you want Google to show your blog. In this example I have searched about Writing Skills see below snap for guidance.

After writing your keywords click on get Ideas as shown above images.

3. See the keywords in below snap to use in your blog suggested by google

Which keywords you should use in your site

In starting your should use keywords which are showing Low in competition section and have more monthly search in the bid section you will see bid rate for Adsense ads, but as you are new in this world try to avoid thinking money until your site gets more visits. when you build traffic more than 1000 to 2000 visits per day, now you can think about money and can use high paying keywords.

Note: Never use excessive keywords otherwise your site will fall into google penalty, however, you can loose your Adsene account and your traffic will become very less even NIL. You can use one keyword in about 400 words and next keyword in next 400 words and so on.

    Additional information

    Keyword planner is basically keyword research tool which allows advertiser to advertise for specific keywords but this tool is used by publishers as well, so above mentioned procedure is for both. For your precious comments and suggestions in below comment box.
    Hope you have learned about Keyword Suggestion Tool.

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