Blogs promotion tips, blogging tips (Marketing Strategy, Marketing Plan, Social Marketing, Internet Marketing)

Blogs promotion is a way in which every one can Promote their blogs and websites,

with few simpler, easier and fast managing manners,

by following my simple steps you can promote your blogs and websites

, so now lets starts blogs promotions in this post.

Marketing plan

First of all we have to plan a Topic about which

we are going to promote our post or our site.

Daily basic Updated Site

Update your blogs on daily basic updated daily basic updates Google will crawl your sites on daily basic new posts which will help you to boost your blog traffic.

Use Social Media

Using social media sharing sites is the one of the best way to promote your site you must have to share all your blogs contents on social sharing sites(facebook, twitter, Gmail, linked in, pinterest, tumbler, etc)

this will help people to know that you are updating your blogs on daily basics and you are providing useful tips and tricks about peoples fond which they like

so you have to share your posts on social sharing sites.

Use Comments

You should have to enable your comments feed

so that people could ask or answer about your posts

and most important one is to answer them that they openly exchange their minds

Comment on Other Blogs

Comment on others blogs and you finds any fault and mistake then you should have to copy yours post link and have to comment on that site on which you find some mistakes

its also a good way to increase your blog traffic

its also called back linking methods

Best Themes

Choose best theme realated to your need, select theme which is awesome and cool in look

and have more features in its layouts.

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