Best Place To Start A Blog

The person who makes a Blog is called Blogger it is some times called weblog and this art is called Blogging.

As Now you are thinking that where to start a blog ?, I had the same question in my mind when I started to make a blog, I found some places for blogging, which are 

  1. Blogger ( Provided by Google)
  2. Wordpress
  3. Joomla

After having look at all of above told blogger providers I started blogging on blogger this is due to the reason that google provides everything like free hosting and a lot of others and it also provides make money blogging through their Adsense Publisher Program it is often asked that How to make money from blogging ? so google adsense is the best option.

When you have chosen Blogger provider then take these steps for further process.

  • Good Research:


Make a lot of research to the topics you want to write on, it depends on your interest and the skills then just make a huge research on search engines to get better ideas.

  • Select a Topic:


When you have done a lot of research about your topic of interest then you must chose the best topic to which your readers have interest for your blog.
  • Great Title:


After selecting a topic you will have to write a title for your post so make a better title which will make your readers exciting and they will come to you and if your blog is about make money blogging then you can choose a title which can be searched in search engines then you must take a keyword from google adwords keyword planning program 

  • Engaging with Audience:


This is also a best way to make your blog popular with audience, in this step you will have to do guest blogging.
In gust blogging you will have to go to the similar blogs to engage with other audience and post your comments over there and your link as well for better traffic.

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